Review of some of the best fitness programs that we believe are some of the best around and will improve your overall appearance.
Beachbody is the creator of the nation’s most popular in-home fitness and weight loss solutions, including:
• P90X & P90X Plus
• Power90
• Slim in 6
• Turbo Jam
• Hip Hop Abs
• 10 Minute Trainer
• Yoga Booty Ballet Ab & Butt Makeover
• Team Beach Body Coaches Program
• And also…. Our latest beauty product “Timeless Secret” – Winner of the Breakthrough in Beauty Search 2008
With Beachbody products you will get fit, lose weight and get healthy in matter of a few months.
When getting in fit, you will discover many workouts that include video on DVD that will help you build cardio, stength all musles throughout your entire body and increase long lasting endurance.
Lose Weight and get the results when you want them. Use the workout DVDs and nutritional supplements to shed the pounds you want. When you look in the mirror, you’re going to like what you see. Give this program 6 weeks, 60 days, or 90 days, and you can create your best body and be happy with your appearance.
Get Healthy with the Premium nutritional support for ultimate health. Use the best ingredients. The highest standards of quality. The nutritional supplements give your body what it needs for maximum weight loss, fitness, and optimal health.
BeachBody has some of the best fitness and weight loss programs, and depending on where you are in your life will determine what product you should start with.
For full specs on all the different programs that BeachBody offeres click below.
Click here to Reshape your Body in 6 Weeks- Guaranteed with “Slim in 6” Workout DVDs!
Workout Video Games
There are many video games that are excellent for getting a great workout. Some are better than the other and range from just a few features to video games that are great in detail and excellent models of a personal trainer right at your home on your television. These games are on most video game platforms, XBox 360, PS3 and Wii. For some games they may require additional equipment to get the full experience of the workout video game. For example the PS3 has the PS Move, which include a camera and controller to monitor your movement. The XBox 360 has the Kinect which is a camera platform and doesnt use a contoller at all, and is controlled completly with your body movements.
ZUMBA started in the classrooms around the world and was done in front of an instructor. It quickly spread and was a big hit. Zumba classes would average about $50 a month. You can bring this fitness workout video game home and workout as much as you would like for less without any monthly charges!