Category: Uncategorized

  • Best Fat Burning Supplements For Running

    Best Weight Loss Pills Without Diet Or ExercisePurchase for Fat Burning Or Cardio Order Now!!The Best Fat Burning Supplements For Running will help you remove all the disturbing and troublesome body weights. Dr. Charles D.C as the author of the program will provide you with much information about fad diets in addition to diet products, such as for example pill and drops. He’ll explain that the

  • Creole Kitchen Recipe: Preserved Chiles

    chiles_400Back home there’s always one person who can never have enough chile. The food is never spicy enough; it needs more kick. These preserved chiles should do the trick nicely. From Creole Kitchen.

    20 habanero chiles
    salt and freshly ground black pepper
    2 onions, roughly chopped
    4 garlic cloves, crushed
    5 bay leaves
    10 cloves
    5 sprigs thyme
    2 cups (16 fluid oz/500 ml) vegetable oil
    2 cups (16 fluid oz/500 ml) white vinegar

    *Makes about two 14-oz (440-g) jars

    1. Cut the chiles in half and put them into sterilized jars. Add salt and pepper, the onions, garlic, bay leaves, cloves, and thyme. Pour in the oil and vinegar, and add a little more salt and pepper.

    2. Macerate for at least a week before using. Keep in the refrigerator for up to 6 months. Always use a clean spoon to avoid contamination.

    The post Creole Kitchen Recipe: Preserved Chiles appeared first on Tips on Life and Love.

  • Gluten Free Diet Review: Does it Work?

     What is it?

     The Gluten Free Diet is a way of eating often practiced by people with an allergy to gluten or those looking to lose weight. People sensitive to gluten will often have inflammation and issues in the small intestine when they eat certain foods.

    The basics of the diet are to ban certain kinds of foods which can be hard for some to digest. There are many common foods that are not allowed on this diet, so it’s important to find healthy substitutes. Gluten itself is a form of protein found in certain grains, and is low in nutrients. Our review experts have analyzed many kinds of diets and found the 18Shake Diet promoted the most well-rounded weight loss benefits.  It includes both a meal replacement that suppressed appetite for hours and a fat burning diet pill. Discover more information about the 18Shake Diet by clicking the link here.

    Do You Know the Best Diets of 2016?

    Gluten Free Diet Ingredients and Side Effects

    All forms of gluten are banned, which means there is no allowance for:

    Wheat, barley, rye, spelt, malt flavoring, malt vinegar, triticale, kamut, oat (certain kinds), hybrid grains and any packaged foods with added gluten.

    Beer, cereals, gravies, pastas, lunch meats, salad dressings, many sauces, imitation seafood, soup basedseasoned snack foods, croutons, cookies wafers, crackers, candies, and breads unless it clearly states it’s free of gluten.

    It’s also advised to read labels for prepackaged foods to make sure there is a gluten free label. Often processed and packaged goods will add gluten as a stabilizer to many kinds of products. Gluten is what gives texture and a chewy texture to things like pizza dough and bread. Often recommendedsubstitutes with similar texture and flavor profiles are:

    Arrowroot, buckwheat, amaranth, flax, corn, hominy, quinoa, millet, rice, sorghum, tapioca, teff, and soy.

    Other recommend foods that are also free of gluten include:

    Eggs, meats, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, beans, and most kinds of dairy products.

    Gluten in certain people can cause health problems such as inflammation, and it’s necessary for those affected to avoid gluten. This diet is then essential for those who are affected by this health issue. According to Cure Celiac

    “Celiac disease affects 1% of healthy, average Americans”

    Our experts have compiled a list of the very best weight loss diets in the link found here.

    Though gluten has been seen as a negative thing to avoid in recent years, very few people actually have a negative reaction to it. Those without intolerance can eat gluten heavy foods and suffer no issues from gluten itself. Furthermore, there is a potential health risk in avoiding gluten as the Mayo Clinic adds:

    “People who follow a gluten-free diet may have low levels of certain vitamins and nutrients in their diets”

    Therefore, they advise:

    “Ask a dietician to review your diet to see what you’re getting enough of these key nutrients”

    The listed nutrients that can lack in a diet free of gluten are fiber, calcium, iron, folate, niacin, riboflavin, and thiamin. This can cause issues in the body and health overall health damage. Therefore it’s advised to make sure one is introducing healthy foods in order to make up for the reduction of gluten foods that also carry nutrients.

    A Gluten Free Diet is also not a way to lose weight. The only way one would experience weight loss is due to the lack of a food group, which results in fewer calories. Still, one may still eat in excess other kinds of foods and gain weight. This diet is intended to help those who have to deal with celiac, even though some books have marketed their books as a way to prevent gluten intake to help people lose weight. Kathleen Zelman a registered dietician adds:

    “there is no evidence to support it as a weight loss diet”

    “Removing all grains from your diet is not recommended”

    She also mentions whether or not to use this diet:

    “There is nothing magical about eliminating gluten that will improve your health or boost your weight loss unless you’re intolerance to gluten”

    Therefore, it’s clear unless someone has been diagnosed with gluten sensitivity, there’s no reason to ever ban this protein which is found in many whole and nutritious foods. There is no evidence available to help promote a Gluten Free Diet as an effective weight loss solution.

    For a list of the top ranked weight loss diets, click on the link available here.

    EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this diet with a proven meal replacement such as
    18 Shake ffor better results.

    Gluten Free Diet Quality of Ingredients

    The diet does ban a lot of healthy foods which can lead to a nutritional deficiency if it’s not balanced with wholefoods. There’s also no reason to use this diet unless one is a part of the small population with intolerance.

    Avoiding gluten can be difficult as many kinds of prepackaged foods have hidden amounts of gluten as well. There is also a possible cross contamination as many facilities that process foods work in a gluten containing area. This cab make eating out and choosing foods difficult as extra time has to be paid to analyzing every food source.

    To see which weight loss diets were ranked as the best for weight loss, click the link here.

    The Price and Quality of Gluten Free Diet

    The price depends on what foods one chooses to substitute for gluten containing foods. Due to the lack of acceptance for this diet as a weight loss solution, it only needs to be followed by the rare few who have an issue with digesting gluten.

    Often people on this diet struggle with a learning curb as eating out is difficult, and many kinds of foods have gluten or they’re manufactured in a gluten processed facility. The dietician Katherine Tallmadge also adds:

    “For most other people, a gluten-free diet won’t provide a benefit… people who unnecessarily shun gluten may do so at the expense of their health”

    There are better solutions for weight loss available that don’t restrict a nutritious source of food. Click this link to see which diets were ranked as the best for weight loss.

    Business of Gluten Free Diet

    Multiple books and guides are available to help people with celiac disease deal with this diet. There are also recipes and suggestions for meal planning for those who struggle with the diet.

    There’s not one company that started this diet, as it’s mostly followed by those who suffer from inflammation if they were to eat gluten. For the majority of people on this diet it’s done not for weight loss, but to help prevent inflammation and potential disease associated with gluten.

    EDITOR’S TIP: The top 10 list of the best diets is available here.

    Customer Opinions of Gluten Free Diet

    Here are a few reviews from those who have tried this diet for weight loss:

    “I think it will be difficult for most people to follow consistently for a long time”

    “puzzled to understand why so many people would seek out gluten-free dies rather than just cutting back on carbs”

    Most who left reviews were people who had intolerance to gluten. The few that tried this diet in order to achieve weight loss often found it difficult. There was a constant struggle in meal planning with people having limited options.

    Certain people managed to actually gain weight while on this diet, as they didn’t find it easy to eat fewer foods. People took in more calories while on this diet, likely due to the banning of many common foods which can make it unsatisfying to eat. It’s not an effective way to help promote weight loss, as this is intended to help those with celiac disease instead.

    The list of the highest rated weight loss diets is made available in the link provided here.

    Conclusion – Does Gluten Free Diet Work?

    The Gluten Free Diet has become popular for some as a way to lose weight, and it’s necessary for those who cannot process gluten without side effects. It’s due to this potential issue that this diet has been adopted. However, no research has proven a gluten-free diet to be effective for weight loss. It’s intended instead to help those who are unable to properly process this form of protein. There’s no need or benefit to banning gluten. It can also make eating more difficult, and it can restrict important nutrients unless carefully monitored. It’s due to all these risks that this is not a very effective diet for weight loss.

    The most effective weight loss diets as reviewed by our experts were found to be the 18Shake Diet. It offers weight loss via an appetite suppressing meal replacement that satisfies for hours, and a fat burning diet pill that increases metabolism without stimulants.

    There are also no added preservatives, fillers, binders, colors, or any artificial additives, only pure natural ingredients. Customers have left glowing testimonials on the official website showing how effective this diet is for weight loss.

    The 18Shake Diet is also backed by an entire 30 day money back guarantee. This return policy allows for a risk free purchase with no questions asked. Learn more about the 18Shake Diet by visiting the link provided here.

  • Fat Burning Supplements Proven To Work

    Fat Burning Zone 33 Year OldDeals for Fat Burning Smoothies Tumblr For SaleThe Fat Burning Supplements Proven To Work will help you remove all the disturbing and troublesome body weights. Dr. Charles D.C as the author of this program will provide you with much information about crash diets as well as diet products, such as for example pill and drops. He will explain that the building blocks of

  • Detox Diet Review: Does it Work?

    What is it?

     A Detox Diet is a way to help flush out toxins from the body to improve overall health. There are many versions of this diet, and it often requires people to eat a limited amount of certain foods and sometimes none at all.

    The claim made by this diet is that it will rejuvenate and renew the body so it works at an optimal rate. It’s often suggested by naturopathic doctors as a way to enhance overall health. Certain versions of this diet also ask for people to fast or to drink only liquids, and they’re often only recommended for short term use. Our review experts have reviewed many different diets and the most useful for weight loss was found to be the 18Shake Diet. It’s a combination of a fat loss diet pill and an appetite suppressing meal replacement which satisfies for hours. Discover more information about the 18Shake Diet by clicking on the link here.

    Do You Know the Best Diets of 2016?

    Detox Diet Ingredients and Side Effects

    There are several different forms of this diet, with some allowing only water to be drunk with no food for days or hours. Certain versions also have specific requirements for food such as only allowing fruit and vegetable juice.

    They are also only advised for a short-term use since it can lead to nutritional and caloric deficiencies. Web MD has noted:

    “Most people don’t feel good on low-calorie, nutrient-poor diets. Potential side effects include low energy, low blood sugar, muscle aches, fatigue, feeling dizzy or lightheaded, and nausea.”

    There is very little allowance for foods and people are told to only allow certain kinds of foods. The intention of this is to help detoxify the body, which has not been proven. Dr. Michael Smith confirms:

    “If your goal is to detox your system, don’t waste your time or money. Your body is an expert at getting rid of toxins no matter what you eat. Toxins don’t build up in your liver, kidneys or any other part of your body, and you’re not going to get rid of them with the latest detox wonder”

    Our review experts have created a list of the highest rated weight loss diets.

    So for those who want to improve their health there is no proof that this form of detoxing will actually have a benefit. There’s also claims made about the weight loss benefits of this kind of diet. While one is likely to have a significant reduction of calories via detoxing, it’s not considered a safe or long lasting approach. The same Dr. Michael Smith adds:

    “If your goal is weight loss, a detox diet might help you drop a few pounds, but you’ll likely just gain it back. In the end, you haven’t accomplished anything and it’s certainly not a healthy approach”

    Due to these concerns it’s not advised to use this diet. There is no proven safe or effective way to use this form of dieting. Even with short term use it can potentially promote many side effects and a lack of lasting weight loss. It’s not uncommon for one to feel lightheaded, ill, nauseous, bloated, fatigued, irritable, and not in good health.

    Web MD also adds:

    “Not only are detox diets not good for people with certain medical conditions, they could be harmful”

    “it’s all hype with no health benefits. There ae many ways to get your body clean and healthy. This isn’t one of them”

    Therefore, it’s not recommended by any legitimate science as a healthy diet. Click the link provided here to see which weight loss diets were rated as the most effective.

    A review by the Facility of Medicine and Health SCIENCS, Macquarie University of Sydney, Australia found:

    “Although the detox industry is booming, there is very little clinical evidence to support the use of these diets”

    “This is an area that deserves attention so that consumers can be informed”

    All the available data shows that this form of dieting has many flaws and potential risks. Detoxing the body is not proven as a way to help improve health. Not all people can start this type of diet without experiencing serious side effects. These kinds of diets have no evidence to support their use.

    EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this diet with a proven meal replacement such as
    18 Shake ffor better results.

    Detox Diet Quality of Ingredients

    Depending on what kind of detox diet one chooses, it can either require fasting with only water or with juices. Water fasts can be difficult as one isn’t receiving any calories and nutrients the body needs for nourishment. This can lead to a slowed down metabolism that ends up not burning calories in order to get rid of muscle mass and important tissue.

    Juice fasts have the problem of getting high amounts of sugar and a lack of fiber if it allows fruit juices. Vegetable juices also suffer from a lack of quality fiber and insufficient calories. When the body does not get sufficient fiber it can lead to indigestion and issues with the bowels. Fiber is important for regulating the body and it’s lacking in juice.

    For a comprehensive list of the top ranked diets for weight loss, follow the link cited here.

    The Price and Quality of Detox Diet

    Depending on whether one decides to do a juice or water fast the price can vary. One would need a juicer and lots of fruits and vegetables in order to ensure there is enough to drink for the duration of the fast.

    There isn’t any proof to help show whether or not this diet would actually be effective or safe. Reviews from medical professionals show that this might be potentially unsafe and not effective for long-term use. There are potential side effects and nutritional deficiencies which can result. This is why these kinds of diets are only recommended for a short period.

    The Mayo Clinic also adds:

    “there is little evidence that they (detox diets) eliminate toxins from your body”

    They conclude that they:

    “aren’t a good long-term solution”

    To see which weight loss diets were rated as the best overall, visit the link cited here.

    Business of Detox Diet

    There are many different versions and some offer recipe books, guides, and support. This diet is not advised to be taken for a long periodas it can lead to unwanted side effects.

    No legitimate science has proven that a detox diet is necessary or healthy. Not all people can handle this either, as it can be demanding to restrict oneself to just juicing or water.

    Often those who promote this kind of dieting will make sure to offer suggestions on how to continue dieting like this, since it can be incredibly difficult to suddenly restrict one’s diet to such few food options.

    EDITOR’S TIP: The top 10 list of the best diets is available here.

    Customer Opinions of Detox Diet

    Featured below are some quotes from those who have done different forms of detox diets:

    “We already have a liver and kidneys. They are usually free and work better”

    “found it so extreme and inconvenient that I just couldn’t justify continuing”

    “I was so weak I can’t get out of bed”

    “you really need to be mentally prepared”

    Users found this diet very difficult to uphold, as they often experienced side effects. There were constant problems with people being unable to function normally. Many didn’t have sufficient energy and it made them uncomfortable.

    Those who tried a Detox Diet for weight loss mention how it had either no effect, or that they regained all the weight they lost quickly. From the many negative reviews it’s clear that this is not a safe and lasting diet plan. Click this link for a comprehensive list of the top ranked weight loss diets.

    Conclusion – Does Detox Diet Work?

    With many different forms of dieting to helpdetoxify the body, this diet has one universal claim that it’s important for the body to cleanse itself. However, legitimate science mentions how this is not true, and that the body does not need to deprive itself in order for it to remain healthy. No detox diet provides any evidence to help show how it would be safe and effective to use. Many who have tried dieting this way mention how they’ve experienced side effects and a lack of long lasting weight loss. It was difficult to sustain for many, and it often caused people to lack energy to perform even basic tasks.

    Our review experts have analyzed many kinds of weight loss diets and they’ve found the 18Shake Diet produces the most effect results. It has a meal replacement which can suppress appetite for hours with high protein and fiber, and a fat burning diet pill made with natural extracts. Neither have any added stimulants, colors, preservatives, artificial ingredients, fillers, or cheap binders. They help to maximize weight loss by improving metabolism, suppressing hunger, burning fat, and other weight loss benefits. Customer testimonials also show how effective it is for weight loss.

    The 18Shake Diet is also supported by an entire 30 day money back guarantee. This allows returns for all purchases with no questions asked. Learn more information about the 18Shake Diet by visiting the link provided here.

  • If I Read This Again, I Will Scream

    BoypeekingfrombookAs a parent there are a lot of things that make me want to scream on a daily basis. Sliding on toys with wheels that are left in front of hot ovens. Packing what I think are creative lunches only to have them come home uneaten. Finding crayons in pockets of pants…in the dryer. So by the time I hold it all in and we hit bedtime, it’s natural that I want to scream about reading that same book for the one millionth time. Especially when it’s the most annoying, cloying, longest book you have in your house.

    I’ve heard a lot of friends complain about this as well. “With so many books to choose from, how come she only wants that ONE book again and again?” Some have even confided that they think there’s something wrong with a child who only wants that one book. There’s not. It’s normal.

    I’ve learned a lot from the television production companies I’ve worked for and with in terms of programming for kids. They know that kids will—happily!—watch the same show about 9,000 times and they take that into consideration when they are doing their schedules. So if you think it’s odd that the same episode seems to be airing every day for weeks, it’s actually deliberate (sorry, but you have to hear that song again). Repetition is good for kids. That’s how they can really take in, understand, and examine a concept.

    Kids also crave routine, and repetition comes with that package—which is where some of desire for repeats in bedtime reading comes in. In our house at least the repetition extends to songs, shows, breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and anything they find funny: “Do it AGAIN, Mama!” they will scream, especially when I go sailing across the kitchen floor while tripping over a Matchbox car with a pan of hot meatballs in my hands. Our kids learned sign language before they could speak. The sign most used? The one that means “more.” Sometimes our youngest, when tired, will revert to the sign instead of speaking. I now flinch when I see it. (I do get the irony when More, More, More Said the Baby became an instant favorite in our house).

    The light at the end of the tunnel of a book rut is that kids’ preferences seem to shift with little notice. When a child receives a new toy, for instance, it is “the” It toy for a few days or weeks (or in some cases, mere hours). In my experience it is usually the toy that makes the most God-awful noise. All other toys are ignored. Lord help any other child who touches that toy. And then, as fast as it started, they have moved on to another It toy. The last It toy is later found in some dark recess under the sofa.

    Books can go in the same direction. Kids are attracted to books for various reasons, from brightly colored pictures, the style of the art, or the subject of a book. For younger kids and babies, a lot of it is the repetition or rhythm of the book and the way it sounds when you read it out loud to them. They will gladly listen to it again and again and again. And sometimes again for good measure. Then, one night: pouf. On to the next great thing. The saving grace with The Book That Will Not Go Away is that it rarely becomes The Book We Read Forever.

    I have been tempted, as any parent, to simply say no when presented with a book that I know from beginning to end because it has been burned in my brain. “This one!” a tiny finger will point. “Oh, we just read that three times last night. Let’s try another one?” And the face crumples, I grumble, and crack open the cover again. Maybe I should have just tried the more direct “no.”

    I did meet someone who told me that she read her kids the same books every night as part of their bedtime routine. “Like on purpose?” I asked. Apparently so. I don’t think I’d do it deliberately. At some point reading the same books seems like it would become more of a routine than something we enjoy. We definitely have books we read 14 times a night for 40 nights in a row. But I always choose a few new ones as well, or at least some that have only been read 38 times. I make sure we have plenty of offerings in our book baskets so there are choices.

    When you are in the middle of “Oh, I cannot possibly read this book again,” try to think ahead to a time where that book will be the one you find in some dark recess under the book shelf. Seeing the cover will make you fondly remember a time when the child in front of you was smaller, cuddlier, and thought you were smarter.

    “Ohhhh, look,” you will say, pulling it out. “Remember when we used to read this every night? Every night!” You might a little teary. “Should we read it again tonight?”


    Yep, definitely more direct.

    These are books I can read on auto pilot and still love:

    The Very Hungry Caterpillar

    The Very Hungry Caterpillar

    by Eric Carle

    View Details

    THE all-time classic picture book, from generation to generation, sold somewhere in the world every 30 seconds!

    Get The Very Hungry Caterpillar
    Get The Very Hungry Caterpillar
    Get The Very Hungry Caterpillar

    Please, Baby, Please

    Please, Baby, Please

    by Spike Lee

    View Details

    Go back to bed, baby, please, baby, please. Not on your HEAD, baby baby baby, please!… From moments fussy to fond, Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Spike Lee and his wife, producer Tonya Lewis Lee, present a behind-the-scenes look at the chills, spills, and unequivocal thrills of bringing up baby! Vivid illustrations from celebrated artist Kadir Nelson evoke toddlerhood from sandbox to high chair to crib, and families everywhere will delight in sharing these exuberant moments again and again.

    Get Please, Baby, Please
    Get Please, Baby, Please
    Get Please, Baby, Please

    Bear Wants More

    Bear Wants More

    by Karma Wilson

    View Details

    When springtime comes, in his warm winter den a bear wakes up very hungry and thin! Bear comes out of hibernation and he’s VERY hungry. He eats everything in sight–but he still wants more! Bear’s friends finally help him satisfy his HUGE hunger by throwing him a surprise birthday party. Bear’s adventures (like being too fat to fit through the doorway) will entertain and delight young readers.

    Get Bear Wants More
    Get Bear Wants More
    Get Bear Wants More

    The Babies on the Bus

    The Babies on the Bus

    by Karen Katz

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    The babies on the bus sing LA-LA-LA! LA-LA-LA! LA-LA-LA! Jump on the bus with Karen Katz’s adorable babies as they take a classic song for an all-new ride!

    Get The Babies on the Bus
    Get The Babies on the Bus
    Get The Babies on the Bus

    More More More Said the Baby

    More More More Said the Baby

    by Vera Williams

    View Details

    Here are Little Guy, Little Pumpkin, and Little Bird.

    Their grownups love then. So will you.

    Get More More More Said the Baby
    Get More More More Said the Baby
    Get More More More Said the Baby

    The post If I Read This Again, I Will Scream appeared first on Tips on Life and Love.

  • Can You Ask Your Doctor for a Discount?

    DoctorHand_400As health care costs rise rapidly, we must stay informed and investigate all of our options for staying healthy without going bankrupt. It might be intimidating at first to speak with your doctor about their rates, but dealing directly with the source of health care costs is one way to guarantee that you’re balancing your budget, right from the start. Learn how to do it in my book Your Best Health Care Now: Get Doctor Discounts, Save With Better Health Insurance, Find Affordable Prescriptions Now.

    Medical costs are a lot like airline tickets. They range widely and are negotiable. So, yes, you can ask for a discount, especially if you are paying cash because you have a high-deductible health plan; people with insurance are not legally obligated to use it. Or perhaps you don’t have insurance at all. Or you simply can’t afford the full fee. One study showed that more than 60 percent of patients who asked for discounts got them.

    As you’d imagine, patients have to raise the issue. And they should do it before the examination begins, if possible, face-to-face with the doctor. Once they earnestly describe their financial circumstances, some doctors routinely cut their rates in half or even ask for as little as 10 percent. In rare cases, they might manage to provide the care for free.

    Dr. Fine recalled that when he was practicing in dirt-poor eastern Tennessee, a teacher with no health insurance walked unsteadily into his office. From the patient’s severe lack of balance, Dr. Fine knew he needed an MRI of his brain stem immediately. He also knew the low-paid teacher didn’t have the hundreds of dollars to pay for it.

    “I called around to some friends with MRI equipment,” said Dr. Fine, “and I made it happen for free.”

    The post Can You Ask Your Doctor for a Discount? appeared first on Tips on Life and Love.

  • Shake 360 Review: Does it Work?

     What is it?

    Shake 360 is a meal replacement shake made with probiotics, antioxidants, and 15 vitamins and minerals. It also contains plant based protein and the manufacturers suggest drinking one shake a day for results.

    Two different flavors are offered in chocolate and vanilla berry. They contain no lactose and instead use a vegan and soy free formula. You can mix these shakes with cold water and ice, and they can be mixed inside a shaker bottle with no need to blend. Our review experts have rated many different meal replacement shakes, and the most nutritionally dense and beneficial for weight loss was found to be 18Shake. This all natural meal replacement has high protein and fiber to suppress appetite for hours. Learn more about the benefits of 18Shake by clicking the link here.

    Do You Know the Best Diet Shakes of 2016?

    Shake 360 Ingredients and Side Effects

    Here are the full ingredients to the vanilla berry flavor:

    Pea Protein Isolate
    Pea Protein Concentrate
    Rice Protein


    Shiitake Mushroom

    Goji Berry
    Sunflower Oil

    Coconut Oil
    Cane Sugar
    Chicory Inulin
    Oat Fiber
    Natural Flavors

    Beet Color
    Guar Gum
    Cellulose Gum
    Xanthan Gum

    Organic Steviol Glycosides
    Citric Acid
    Malic Acid
    Bacillus Coagulans
    Monk Fruit

    Pea Protein Isolate/Concentrate: Legume extract which is lacking in important amino acids. This is often why it’s mixed with other forms of protein such as rice.

    There are insufficient levels of the amino acids cysteine and methionine, which can cause nutritional deficiencies.

    While high protein is important in a meal replacement, there can sometimes be lacking amino acids which the body needs to regulate itself.

    Rice Protein: Easy to digest form of protein that is low in the amino acid lysine. It can also lead to side effects such as indigestion, diarrhea, and stomach pain if eaten in large amounts.

    It is a cheap protein source and is often added to vegan based meal replacements.

    Cane Sugar:This sweetener is sucrose based and is taken from sugar cane which is a tropical plant. The vanilla berry version of Shake 360 has 7 grams of sugar, while the chocolate has 6 grams per serving.

    The American Heart Association advises for men to limitthemselves to 36 grams of sugar, and for women the allowance is 24 grams a day. High amounts of sugar can potentially lead to obesity and cardiovascular damage.

    In reviewing many different kinds of meal replacement shakes, our experts have determined which are the very best, which can be seen in the link here.

    Guar Gum: Thickener and binder which is a fiber source added to improve digestion and suppress appetite. It’s highly advised to take it with water as it can lead to blockages in the throat and intestine.

    Other possible side effects can include:

    Diarrhea, loose stools, and increased gas.

    Stomach cramps, pains, and indigestion.

    This ingredient will often be added to processed foods as a cheap additive.

    Cellulose Gum: This ingredient is taken from the cell walls of plants to help thicken and bind other ingredients. A clinical study by the International Weekly Journal of Science called Nature determined cellulose gum:

    “induced low-grade inflammation and obesity/metabolic syndrome”

    This can potentially increase the risk for dangerous side effects and make weight loss harder.

    Carrageenan: This fiber source is a thickener and binder that is extracted from edible seaweed.  There have been mixed studies with some claiming it to be potentially harmful. Possible side effects can include:

    Blood disorders, lowered blood pressure, and inflammation.

    Increased risk of cancer, stomach issues, and nausea.

    A list of the highest rated meal replacement shakes is made available in the link here.

    EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven meal replacement such as 18Shake for better results.

    Shake 360 Quality of Ingredients

    Click here to compare 360 Shake with top 10 shakesThe reason why these shakes feature a blend of rice and pea protein is due to their limited amino acid profile when taken on their own. There’s also a high 170 calories per serving, which is much higher than other meal replacements. When losing weight it’s important to limit calories as much as possible, Shake 360 has almost double the amount of other shakes.

    There’s also a high amount of sugar which can make weight loss more difficult. There are wholesome superfoods added, but they’re not in significant enough amounts. There’s also a blend of gums which are cheap substitutes for fiber.

    The protein contains a high 16 grams of protein per serving, but there’s not enough in this shake in terms of wholesome ingredients. The link provided here has a list of the highest ranked meal replacements.

    The Price and Quality of Shake 360

    Two flavor are offered in chocolate and vanilla berry which are sold in individual packets at $79.99 for 28 servings.

    This shake is incredibly expensive for what’s a vegan based pea and rice protein mixture. There’s also many added cheap thickener and binders which are often added as fiber substitutes. Furthermore, the high amount of sugar is also a cheap additive that’s only added to flavor these shakes.

    There’s many cheap ingredients found in this shake, and it’s clear from the added fruits and vegetables that they’re not as potent as whole extracts. There are very little vitamins and minerals which suggest that the added whole foods are either added in low amounts, or they’re heavily processed.

    Click on the link here to see a comprehensive list of the highest rated weight loss shakes.

    Business of Shake 360

    Themakers of this shake are the Nutrisystem, Inc. company. Their contact information is listed as:

    Phone Number: (215) 706-5300

    Address: 600 Office Center Drive

    Ft Washington, Pennsylvania 19034

    Their Better Business Bureau page has a total of 259 negativereviews. The majority 100 are from people who have had issues with the products or service. An additional 81 people complained about advertising and sales.

    The company also enacts an auto-shipment policy, which is a way to lockpeople into monthly contracts that automatically charge their credit card. Customers have had complaints and they’ve had this to say:

    “felt like I was robbed by this company. They essentially stole money from me as far as I am concerned”

    “told there was a cancellation fee which they are charging my account”

     “Really sad that there are still companies out there that follow that kind of business practice”

    There were repeat issues with a lack of customer service and people who complained about the auto shipment. People added that the customer service representatives were unhelpful, and that they felt they were challenged at every step.

    A list of the most effective weight loss meal replacement shakes are featured in the list here.

    EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results with meal replacement shakes diet our experts recommend to use it at least 5 months. Save your money buying a few bags of meal replacement product.

    Customer Opinions of Shake 360

    Here are a few quotes from users:

    “Not only are these shakes disgusting, but the customer service is disrespectful”

    “The texture was gritty like sand, did not dissolve, the taste was unbearable”

    “The product is nasty and gritty”

    “Tastes gritty, can’t get used to them”

    People have found this shake difficult to drink, and the only positivereviews exist on the company’s own page. It’s unknown if these are biased reviews.

    Users from other websites mention how these shakes do not blend well, and that they have a unpleasant and undrinkable flavor. Customers tried to even use blenders but they found it did not mix well.

    Shake 360 is claimed to be an easy to mix shake that can be blended with a shaker bottle, but customers have disagreed and say that this isn’t enough.

    The company’s official Facebook page has only negative reviews from users who have tried to add different amounts of liquids to help make it mix better with no success.

    Conclusion – Does Shake 360 Work?

    Shake 360 offers a high amount of protein at 16 grams and fiber at 6 grams per serving, but this comes from cheap thickeners and amino acid lacking pea and rice protein. These shakes have also been criticized by users due to their taste and difficult to drink consistency. There have also been issues with people who felt that the auto-shipment program was difficult to cancel, and that the customer service staff is unhelpful and even rude at times. It’s also an incredibly expensive shake for the quality of ingredients provided. These shakes have also been criticized as not having an appetizing taste.

    Our review experts have rated many kinds of meal replacements and they found the most effective for weight loss is 18Shake. This meal replacement has high quality whey protein and a appetite suppressing fiber which can satisfy for hours. It’s also low in calories and sugar at just 90 calories per serving and 1 gram of sugar from stevia. Customer testimonials are also featured on the official website from users who have lost significant amounts of weight. It has no added preservatives, colors, or artificial additives.

    18Shake is also supported by an entire 30 day money back return policy. This allows users to try this shake risk free with no questions asked. Discover more information about 18Shake by clicking on the link here.

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  • Are You Ready? 5 Ways to Get Your Family Prepared for Anything

    HouseCutOut_400As any parent knows, quality time with our families is fleeting and precious. The last thing we want to do in our rare moments together is talk about worst-case scenarios: those looming possibilities of violence or danger that we hope never occur—but know sometimes do. Whether it’s a mass shooting, a devastating hurricane, or an invasive cyber threat, we can’t escape the reality that these things do happen, and they’re hard to talk about.

    But we also love our families, and that’s got to come first. As someone who’s spent her career in homeland security and her home life raising three kids, managing disaster response across the nation and in her own home, I honestly believe we have an obligation to keep our families prepared for what may come. I know it can seem overwhelming, but that’s not an excuse to keep our heads in the sand. I’ve got some tips for how you and your family can start to get prepared so that you can focus on what really matters—spending time with the people you love.

    Buy the Online Course: Your Family Protected, from Juliette Kayyem

    Talk It Out
    Depending on the age of your kids, they probably know more about “scary things” than you think. You don’t have to go into gory detail. But you should acknowledge that yes, bad things happen. Ask them about their fears. Then, assure them that your family, with the help of these steps, is going to be as ready as possible, so that you’ll be managing your risks and ensuring the damage is as minimal as possible. Finally, map out some practical plans. Designate meeting places and communication plans in the event that cell phone service is interrupted.

    Your Family Protected with Juliette Kayyem from SimonSays on Vimeo.

    Get Shopping
    This is a great, active step that is so empowering because it allows your children to be part of a solution. Think about your home, the needs of your family members, and the essential items you’d want if you were confined to your house. Medications, dry foods, non-electronic games, and activities are a good starting point, but customize it for yourself, and make it fun—no one regrets a little chocolate in a blizzard.

    Get Saving
    This one’s pretty straightforward. For a number of reasons, it can be incredibly helpful to have a couple hundred dollars in cash (small bills) stored in the home. Don’t tell your teenagers and don’t use it for pizza delivery—it’s for emergencies!

    Back It Up
    It’s hard to imagine a world without internet access, but that’s the point of this one. Every family has its essential documents—birth certificates, passports, bank papers. You should have copies of them and that’s a good start. But those copies should not be stored with the originals—think about it! My best tip is to send hard copies of your essential documents to family members or loved ones outside your state. The idea is to have redundancies in your system so that if there’s a fault at one single point, it doesn’t amount to a complete failure.

    Live Your Life
    Think of it this way. There are parents who let their kids roam the neighborhood and parents who don’t allow their kids to exit the driveway. And all of those parents will end up in the ER eventually with a sprained ankle, or bad cut, or what have you. Risk is out there, and it’s part of living a rewarding, engaged life. You have to find your own balance, but you can’t prevent every bad thing from happening. So prepare your home and build up your defenses—then get out there, be part of your community, and keep doing the things you love.

    The post Are You Ready? 5 Ways to Get Your Family Prepared for Anything appeared first on Tips on Life and Love.