Category: Uncategorized

  • An Old Dog Learns New Tricks: How I Learned to Play Tennis at Age 50

    DogwithTennisBalls_400I wanted to play tennis competitively in my 50s, but I wasn’t sure if it was possible. In addition to the physical drawbacks, I wasn’t sure my brain could learn new skills—I knew cognitive decline was a reality I had to face at some point. It turns out that despite my age, arthritis, and flat feet, I had many years left to make it happen. I wrote all about it in Late to the Ball: Age. Learn. Fight. Love. Play Tennis. Win.

    Some other things you know about your physical self as you enter your sixties: Your lung capacity is in steady decline, as are the fast-twitch muscle fibers that provide power and explosive speed. Your heart is perhaps only 70 percent as efficient as it was when you were thirty. Your prefrontal cortex—where the concentrating and deciding you do gets done—has been shrinking for forty years. Your sight has been diminishing, your other senses, too, and this, along with a gradually receding ability to integrate information you are absorbing and to then issue motor commands, means your balance is not what it used to be, especially under pressure and on the move—which is pretty much how tennis is played.

    The good news—for me—was that there was good news, of a sort. Much remains unknown about how aging affects the neural basis of cognition, but what recent studies based on neuroimaging and other techniques have tended to find is that real cognitive slowing is something to start worrying about in your late sixties. I could still learn (maybe). Moreover, the learning itself was going to be good for my brain, force it to grow: I would, according to the neuroscientists, create new gray matter and synapses. And while empirical data is as yet pretty scarce, there is research that suggests that taking up a new pursuit late in life correlates with better sleep, better immune function, and lower levels of cortisol, the release of which rises in response to stress. The physical and cardiovascular demands of tennis were going to be good for my brain, too, and for the rest of my body. I might live five or six years longer—though there is some research that shows that really playing, playing hard, which was my goal, is less likely to lengthen life (because of the strain? The risk of injury?) than taking long walks.

    But, really, how much could I learn, as I got serious about my tennis in my late fifties? Quite a lot, according to the neuroscientist Gary Marcus. Marcus challenges the neuroscientific consensus that to truly know anything, from a language to a sport, you had to begin as a child. Brain researchers refer to this as the “critical-period effect,” and their evidence is based in large part on a study of young barn owls that could—as older barn owls could not—rather easily adapt to what amounted to a virtual-reality experiment in which a prism distorted their perception of things. But then a Stanford neuroscientist, Brian Knutson, found that old owls actually could adapt during this experiment, if you slowed it down and broke up their reorientation to a new environment into smaller parts. Marcus was so buoyed by Knutson’s findings that he did an experiment on himself: He learned to play the guitar and wrote an entertaining book about it, Guitar Zero. He was forty, not in late middle age, and guitar playing, even, say, in a death-metal band, is not as taxing as tennis playing. Still, I was buoyed by the approach to late learning Marcus posited: Proceed with patience and good humor, tackle the new thing you’re doing bit by bit, keep expectations low and persistence high.

    The post An Old Dog Learns New Tricks: How I Learned to Play Tennis at Age 50 appeared first on Tips on Life and Love.

  • Xtreme Fat Loss Supplements

    Fat Burning Exercise SupplementsPurchase for Fat Burning Supplements Nz Get NowThe Xtreme Fat Loss Supplements will help you remove all of the disturbing and troublesome body weights. Dr. Charles D.C as the author of the program will provide you with much information about crash diets along with diet items, such as pill and drops. He’ll explain that the foundation of this plan is the liver,

  • Why The Fat Burning Zone DoesnT Work

    Fat Loss Factor Cleanse IngredientsDeals for What Does Fat Burning Zone Mean Top QualityThe Why The Fat Burning Zone DoesnT Work will help you remove all of the disturbing and troublesome body weights. Dr. Charles D.C because the author of this program will give you much information about crash diets and also diet products, such as for example pill and drops. He shall clarify that the foundation

  • Best Supplements For Fat Loss And Lean Muscle

    Fat Burning Diet Plan PdfReview Fat Loss Cardio Heart Rate Order Now!!The Best Supplements For Fat Loss And Lean Muscle can help you remove all the disturbing and troublesome body weights. Dr. Charles D.C because the author of the program will provide you with much information about crash diets as well as diet items, such as for example pill and drops. He will explain that the building blocks of

  • Fat Fighter Review: Does it Work?

    What is it?

    Fat Fighter is a weight loss diet pill made with fiber and enzymes for appetite suppression and waste elimination. It’s made to help support the health of the intestinal tract.

    There are 8 bulking fibers that are said to suppress appetite and detoxify the body. The digestive enzymes are added to improve digestion and metabolism, and added minerals are intended to metabolize macronutrients, support lean muscle growth and regulate blood sugar. This Fat Fighter review will go over the quality of ingredients, possible side effects, customer reviews, and much more. The list featured here has the top 10 ranked diet pill supplements.

    Do You Know the Best Weight Loss Pills of 2016?

    Fat Fighter Ingredients and Side Effects

    Oat Bran Concentrate
    Rice Bran Concentrate
    Psyllium Seed Husks (Plantago Ovata)
    Apple Pectin

    Carrot Fiber
    Beet Fiber
    Cascara Sagrada Extract

    Choline Bitartrate
    Chromium Picolinate
    Aloe Vera

    Bromelain 600 GDU
    Coenzyme Q10
    Calcium Carbonate
    Magnesium Hydroxide
    Potassium Citrate

    Psyllium Seed Husks (Plantago Ovata):Used to help create more bulk in one’s stool. It is often used as a treatment to constipation.  It can potentially cause side effects such as:

    Gas, stomach cramping, and digestive issues.

    Nausea, allergic reactions, and choking.

    Chest pain, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing and breathing.

    It’s often advised to drink at least 8 ounces of water with it to prevent any choking or blockages.

    The FDA also mentions:

    “Esophageal obstruction and asphyxiation… are significant risks when these products are taken without adequate fluid or when they are used by individuals with esophageal narrowing or dysfunction, or with difficulty in swallowing:”

    Therefore, it’s important to be aware of any potential interactions to those who already have possible issues.

    Much like other ingredients added to Fat Fighter, it’s important to drink enough water to prevent potential side effects.

    Rice Bran Concentrate: The outer layer of rice used to help decrease cholesterol and help provide fiber. It can potentially decrease the amount of calcium that the body absorbs. Possible side effects can include:

    Gas, stomach discomfort, and frequent bowel movements.

    Glucomannan:Thickener taken from the konjac plant which is used to treat constipation and to help absorb water to create a bulkier stool. It’s also used to help regulate blood sugar and cholesterol.

    Both the FDA and FTC have had to send warnings to company’s who make false weight loss claims about this ingredient. It’s also considered a potential choking hazard. Possible side effects may include:

    Blockages in the throat, intestines, and difficulty breathing.

    Nausea, gas, and bloating.

    Vomiting, indigestion, and loss of appetite.

    There have been many documented cases of people choking from extracts of this ingredient. Typically, it’s recommended to drink 8 ounces of water with each serving.

    Also, though this ingredient is used for weight loss, clinical studies have not shown this. One such study was performed by the Rush University Medical Center:

    “did not promote weight loss in overweight and moderately obese individuals”

    Patients were given a total of 3.99 grams of glucomannan a day. This is much more than the 75 mg provided per serving in Fat Fighter.

    Spirulina:A blue-green algae used due to its protein, vitamins, and minerals. Since it can come from contaminated waters, it’s important to source this additive from clean water. Web MD adds:

    “Contaminated blue-green algae can cause liver damage, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, weaknessthirst, rapid heartbeat, shock, and death”

    It needs to be tested and shown to be free of any mycrocystins that can cause serious side effects. It’s also only advised to be used by people who have strong immune systems. It can potentially lead to severe illness in certain people.

    Studies into this ingredient have shown that it can be contaminated with lead, arsenic, and mercury. Even in small amounts these heavy metals can cause severe symptoms even in healthy people.

    It’s unknown where Fat Fighter sources their Spirulina from, and whether or not they test it for potential toxins.

    Bromelain: Enzyme extracted from pineapples that is used to protect against swelling and pain. It may lead to side effects that include:

    Diarrhea, stomach pain and discomfort.

    Allergic reactions, swelling, and rashes.

    Coenzyme Q10:This is naturally crated in the body as an energy source. It does not require any extra supplementation, as the body makes enough of it on its own. also adds:

    “There is no evidence that COQ10… is able to induce fat loss or muscle tissue growth”

    It may also cause side effects that include:

    Nausea, rashes and abdominal pain.

    Dizziness, heartburn, and fatigue.

    Irritability, sensitivitytolight and liver toxicity. also ran a study showing that many supplements using this ingredient will often either add much more or much less than what’s claimed. Our experts rated the best diet pills inside a top 10 list found here.

    EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven fat burner such as Sletrokor for better results.

     Fat Fighter Quality of Ingredients

    There are all natural ingredients like cascara sagrada and aloe vera which are healthy and effective. Though there are also additives like Coenzyme Q10 which have not been proven to be effective. Other ingredients which may be potentially unsafe include Spirulina, glucomannan, psyllium seed husks, and bromelain.

    All of these have shown the possibility for causing many unwanted symptoms. A lot of the fiber sources in this require lots of water in order to prevent the possibility for choking.

    The makers of Fat Fighter fail to list the potential for choking and difficulty swallowing. This is important as many of these ingredients on their own have a possibility for causing blockages in the throat and intestines.  Some of these additives are not advised for people with weakened immune systems as well.

    Ingredients like Spirulina for example need to be sourced from safe waters. It has shown the potential for being contaminated with heavy metals. There’s no information provided by the makers of Fat Fighter to help show whether or not they test their ingredients for contaminants.

    The top 10 list featured here has the top ranking diet pill supplements out now.

    The Price and Quality of Fat Fighter

    Direct sales are offered at 120 tablets for $23.99.  Since a maximum of 9 capsules a day is recommended, the daily price would be $1.79.

    Each bottle provides roughly a 13 day serving.  This is a considerable amount of pills one has to take.  This is common however in diet pills that contain large amounts of fiber ingredients.

    Most of the ingredients in this are often used as a way to promote laxative effects, not to promote sustained weight loss. The ingredients offered are mostly cheap to source as well.  There’s also the important unanswered question of where the company sourced their ingredients. Both Coenzyme Q10 and Spirulina have shown the possibility for being potentially added in unsafe amounts.

    A top 10 list of the best diet pills is available when you click here.

    Business of Fat Fighter

    The company is known as Only Natural Inc., they can be reached via the following:

    Phone Number: (516) 897-7001

    Address: 31 Saratoga Boulevard

    Island Park, New York 11558


    There’s no mention of whether or not they allow for a money back return.  Very little information exists about how they operate outside of their own website.

    It’s also unknown of how well they study their ingredients. As mentioned before, Fat Fighter has additives which must be carefully selected in order to prevent any possible serious side effects. The list provided here has the top 10 highest ranked diet pills.

    EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using weight loss pills for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.

    Customer Opinions of Fat Fighter

    Not many reviews are available online, here are what some customers had to say:

    “Unfortunately didn’t see any difference or results”

    “Did not work as stated”

    “What a waste of money. These pills are so huge… I didn’t lose any weight at all”

    “Not really sure if it worked”

    Many people felt there were no weight loss benefits. People complained it failed to improve metabolism, suppress appetite, or have any noticeable benefit.

    People were also concerned that the pills were much too large. Since it’s advised up to a maximum of 9 pills, it requires a lot of supplementation for it to produce effects. A list of the best diet pills are found when you click on the link featured here.

    Conclusion – Does Fat Fighter Work?

    Fat Fighter does come with natural ingredients, and some of them are effective such as cascara sagrada and aloe vera. There are issues with the other ingredients which have been shown to not only be ineffective for weight loss, but potentially harmful. Additives like glucomannan, Spirulina and others have shown the possibility for serious issues including choking and organ damage. Also, one has to take upwards of a total of 9 pills a day. Customers also often agreed there was no weight loss benefit.

    The 2016 diet pill of the year was won by Sletrokor. This all natural formula is made up of plant extracts that have been clinically studied. It’s made to help suppress appetite, improve mood, enhance metabolism, burn calories, and it can promotion many other benefits. Customers have left testimonials on their official website showing effective weight loss results.

    You can try Sletrokor risk free for a total of 30 days. Returns are allowed for any reason and with no questions asked. To learn more about Sletrokor, click this link.

  • Fat Burning Home Training

    Fat Burning Cardio 2 DownloadReview Fat Burning Arm Exercises Get NowThe Fat Burning Home Training can help you remove all the troublesome and disturbing body weights. Dr. Charles D.C as the author of this program will provide you with much information about crash diets and also diet products, such as for example pill and drops. He shall explain that the foundation of this plan is the liver,

  • While Breaking Glass Ceilings, Family Still Came First for This Famous Diplomat

    Madeleine-Albright_400The busiest working moms in the world still have to care for their children. Glass ceilings may be broken, but family is still the priority. As children grow, roles reverse and the children start worrying about their mothers. Read more in What I Told My Daughter: Lessons From Leaders on Raising the Next Generation of Empowered Women.

    From Madeleine Albright, Diplomat:

    “Mom, did you really need another pair of shoes?” my daughter Anne would ask while reviewing my bills for the month. My daughters took over the management of my finances after I became ambassador to the United Nations in 1993 and secretary of state in 1997. With all the travel those jobs require, I had no time to manage my own affairs. That amounted to a role reversal that was illuminating for all of us.

    One of the tensest moments during my tenure as UN ambassador came in 1996 during a trip to Croatia, less than four months after the signing of the historic Dayton Peace Agreement that brought an end to the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I led a UN delegation to see firsthand what life was like in the Balkans under the accord.

    At one stop, I got out of my car to walk through the Serb-held city of Vukovar. As we approached an open-air market I heard people yelling insults. “You whore” sounds just as awful in Serbo-Croatian as it does in English. As we returned to our cars, stones began to fly and our motorcade was pretty banged up as we left the area.

    Later that day CNN ran a report with the headline “Albright Stoned in Serbia.” That prompted my daughters to make frantic calls to the State Department to see if I was okay.

    When I got home a few days later, I got an earful from my girls.

    “Mom, this is outrageous. You can’t go off to dangerous places and not tell us what you are doing. You’re being very irresponsible.” It sounded like something I might have said to them as teenagers if they had broken curfew. They were very upset with me for making them worry.

    These experiences reinforced the strength of our bond as a family—something I tried to demonstrate to my daughters not with words so much as by my actions. The hardest thing that working women face is the struggle of balancing the needs of your job and the needs of your family. But when push comes to shove, family always comes first. The care and concern my daughters have shown for me in their adulthood tells me that message was received loud and clear.

    The post While Breaking Glass Ceilings, Family Still Came First for This Famous Diplomat appeared first on Tips on Life and Love.

  • Fat Burning Foods Not To Eat

    Fat Burning Pills Complete NutritionReview Best Weight Loss Pills Uk 2015 For SaleThe Fat Burning Foods Not To Eat can help you remove all of the disturbing and troublesome body weights. Dr. Charles D.C as the author of the program will provide you with much information about crash diets and also diet items, such as for example pill and drops. He’ll explain that the foundation of this plan is the

  • LipoRUSH Review: Does it Work?

    What is it?

    LipoRUSH is a weight loss pill made with concentrated thermogenic ingredients. It’s considered the company’s strongest one a day formula which was made for “Advanced Users Only”.

    It’s intended to produce many effects such as appetite suppression, adrenal function support, mental focus, diuretic effects, and increased energy.  Healthy diet and exercise are needed, and it’s advised to not take it within 6 hours of sleep, as well as alongside an 8 week cycle. In this comprehensive review you’ll learn about the possible side effects, customer experiences, its weight loss potential and much more. A list of the top 10 diet pill supplements is available when you click here.

    Do You Know the Best Weight Loss Pills of 2016?

    LipoRUSH Ingredients and Side Effects

    Caffeine Anhydrous
    Citrus Aurantium Extract(KINETIQ)
    Amla Fruit Extract
    Lotus Seed Extract
    Dendrobrium Nobile Stem Concentrate

    Yohimbe Bark Extract
    Dandelion Root Extract
    Blackberry Extract
    Uva Ursi Leaf Powder

    Gugulipid Extract
    Chinese Licorice Root
    Ashwagandha Root
    Rhodiola Rosea Extract

    Black Pepper Fruit Extract (BioPerine)

    Vegetable Magnesium Stearate
    FD&C Blue 1
    FD&C Red 40
    FD&C Yellow 5

    FD&C Yellow 6
    Titanium Dioxide

    Caffeine Anhydrous: Dehydrated caffeine which is added to increase energy and focus, as well as to produce weight loss. Though these effects are not long lasting as mentions:

    “Habitual caffeine use leads to tolerance… often to the point where the only benefit a user experiences is caffeine’s anti-sleep effect”

    It may also promote side effects that include:

    Insomnia, restlessness, and irritability.

    Mood swings, withdrawal effects, and irritation.

    Rapid heart rate, cardiovascular problems and agitation.

    There’s a total t of 300 mg of caffeine in LipoRUSH.  It’s advised for the average person to limit themselves to only 400 mg a day.

    Themanufacturers recommend to not take this with any other sources of stimulants, and to limit use to only 8 weeks. This is likely due to tolerance.

    Citrus Aurantium Extract (KINETIQ):A patented form of bitter orange which is a stimulant used to help burn fat.

    There are many possible side effects, and adds:

    “There are numerous case reports of adverse cardiac reactions associated with C.aurantium”

    Other possible side effects may include:

    High blood pressure. Fainting and stroke.

    Heart attack, rapid heart rate, and agitation.

    Migraine headaches, ringing in the ears, and headaches.

    Increased sensitivity to the sun.

    Though this ingredient is used for weight loss Web MD mentions:

    “bitter orange is POOSSILY UNSAFE when taken as a supplement for a medical purpose such as weight loss”

    When this ingredient is mixed alongside caffeine, it’s known to multiply its effects. This may also increase the risk for unwanted side effects. There have been cases of people experiencing organ damage and even death from this mixture. Stimulant free diet pills are featured in the top 10 list.

    Theobromine:Stimulant extract found in foods such as cacao and tea. It increase heart rate, widens blood vessels, and acts as a diuretic.

    In high amounts it can cause lethal poisoning. Possible side effects from this include:

    Constipation, nausea, and intestinal gas.

    Insomnia, nervousness, and rapid heart rate.

    Increased urination.

    When mixed withthe other stimulants added to LipoRUSH, it may increase the risk for side effects.

    Yohimbe Bark Extract:Extract of an evergreen tree found in parts of Africa. Its active chemicals are used to help increase blood flow, as well as to burn fat.

    Web MD has mentioned:

    “Yohimbe, taken by mouth, is POSSIBLY UNSAFE”

    “Yohimbe has been linked to reports of severe side effects including rapid heart rate, kidney failure, seizure, heart attack and others”

    Other possible side effects may include:

    Difficulty breathing, chest pain, and paralysis.

    Bloating, nausea, and vomiting.

    Allergic ractions, ill feelings, and heart problems,


    It is also known to have a high risk rate for causing anxiety.

    Dandelion Root: This natural plant is used to get rid of water weigth and improve kidney health. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health adds:

    “There is no compelling scientific evidence for using dandelion as a treatment for any medical condition”

    Gugulipid Extract: Tree sap taken from the mukul tree, it is used to lower triglycerides and cholesterol. adds:

    “not effective for the main means it is marketed for (fat loss)”

    It can potentially lead to side effects that include:

    Skin rash, itching, and allergies.


    Nausea, vomitinf, and loose stools.

    Gas, hiccups, and belching.

    FD&C Blue 1:Artificial food coloring that is found in processed foods.  A safety alert was sent by the FDA over this ingredient due to it being harmful in certain amounts. The FDA adds:

    “several reports of toxicity, including death, associated with the use of FD&C Blue No.1”

    FD&C Red 40:Red dye that like other food colorings has no nutritional value.  There are concerns of it potentially causing ADHD and allergies in certain people. It has been banned by several European countries.

    The Center for Science in the Public Interest has petitioned the FDA to ban this ingredient, as it can be replaced with natural additives without fear of potential side effects. A list of the highest rated diet pills are featured in this comprehensive top 10 list.

    EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven fat burner such as Sletrokor for better results.

     LipoRUSH Quality of Ingredients

    dandlionMany of the ingredients added are likely to produce an effect, but due to the heavy stimulants, they may be potentially excessive. There’s a total of 300 mg of caffeine mixed alongside other stimulants such as citrus aurantium, yohimbe, and theobromine. All of these on their own may produce unwanted side effects. When they are mixed together there is a multiplied effect.

    You’ll learn in the “Customer Opinions of LipoRUSH” section that it has caused many unwanted side effects in users.

    There’s also 4 different food colorings which can potentially cause side symptoms. Due to all these additives, the overall quality of this brand is poor. Better options are provided by the top 10 list of diet pill supplements.

    The Price and Quality of LipoRUSH

    Sales are availed direct from the manufacturers. A  60 day supply sells for $79.99. Since one capsule a day is the maximum, this means a daily serving costs $1.33.

    The ingredients in this are mostly heavy stimulants which may cause serious side effects. This formula is not a long lasting solution for weight loss, as it’s advised to limit oneself to only 8 weeks of use. They even mention:

    “contains chemical known in the state of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm”

    They fail to mention which of their ingredients may potentially cause these serious side effects. Other options available are offered via the top 10 list of diet pills.

    For the price this supplement is sold for, it’s not a well-priced diet pill. There’s a high risk factor for unwanted symptoms. Many considerations need to be taken into account, such as limiting use, not taking it too close to bedtime, and not having sensitivity to heavy stimulants.

     Business of LipoRUSH

    FitLife Brands, Inc. makes this diet pill and they can be contacted via the following:

    Phone Number: (866)820-5559

    No other forms of contact information are provided, and no money back guarantee is offered.

    There were no issues with scams from online sources, but there also isn’t much information about the company outside of their own website.

    EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using weight loss pills for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.

    Customer Opinions of LipoRUSH

    Here are some select reviews from customers:

    “I did not see any results… and I worked out 3 times a week”

    “had A TON of energy, but my hands were shaking and legs would bit stipe moving”

    “I spent SEVEREAL days in bed”

    “It had absolutely no effect on me… other than making me jittering”

    Side effects were often experienced by customers such as rapid heart rate, irratibility, insombia, restlessness, anxiety, nausea, heaaches, acne, and many other issues.

    Customers were often disappointed because they failed to see any weight loss benefits. Many added exercise and diet and they still didn’t see any results. A common concern was that the energy boost was too much, and it left many people feeling jittery.

    People often mentioned that they would not recommend this diet pill supplement, and the majority of users regretted ever using LipoRUSH. The top rated diet pills are featured in the comprehensive list found here.

    Conclusion – Does LipoRUSH Work?

    Before making a final decision on LipoRUSH, it’s important to look over the reviews, the kinds of ingredients, and how the company works. No money back guarantee is offered, and many of these ingredients may potentially cause side effects. Customers often complain about both lack of weight loss benefits, and severe side effects. Many were forced to stop taking this brand due to its high stimulant dosing with just one pill. There’s also an unnamed ingredient which may cause birth defects and reproductive harm.

    The 2016 supplement of the year has been awarded to Sletrokor due to its potent ingredients and stimulant free results. There’s no added binders, fillers, artificialingredients, or unnecessary additives. Customers have left testimonials on their website showcasing potent weight loss results. It’s made only with palnt extracts which have been clinically studied.

    Sletrokor is also offered risk free, since they offer a full 30 day money back guarantee. Returns are allowed for any unsatisfied customers with no questions asked. To learn more about Sletrokor and what it can do, click here.

  • Green Tea Fat Burner Pills Yahoo

    Fat Burning Supplements In South AfricaReview Fat Burning Techniques Gym Looking For Great Deals.The Green Tea Fat Burner Pills Yahoo will help you remove all the disturbing and troublesome body weights. Dr. Charles D.C as the author of this program will provide you with much information about fad diets as well as diet items, such as pill and drops. He’ll explain that the building blocks of this