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  • Tenuate Review: Does it Work?

    What is it?

    Tenuate is a weight loss prescriptiondiet pill used to suppress appetite via its stimulant formula. It’s only available for short term use, and it’s similar in nature to amphetamine.

    It works by stimulating the nerves and brain, increasing heart rate and blood pressure.  Since it can produce strong effects, a doctor’s recommendation is highly advised. When using this drug, it’s important to introduce diet and exercise, as it’s intended to help promote lifestyle changes in the future, it’s not meant for repeat use. You’ll learn about the possible side effects, customer reviews, and what one can expect in this full Tenuate review. The list of the top 10 diet pill supplements is made available here.

    Do You Know the Best Weight Loss Pills of 2016?

    Tenuate Ingredients and Side Effects

    Diethylpropion Hydrochloride
    Corn Starch
    Magnesium Stearate

    Pregelatinized Corn Starch
    Tartaric Acid

    Diethylpropion Hydrochloride: Stimulant drug only prescribed in severely obese people who cannot lose weight via exercise and diet alone. It’s required to follow a doctor’s advice, and to introduce diet and exercise.According to Web MD:

    “It is not known how this medication helps people to lose weight”

    It’s thought to be potentially effective for appetite suppression. It can potentially lead to side effects that include:

    Insomnia, dizziness, and dry mouth.

    Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

    Constipation, high blood pressure, and feelings of illness.

    Agitation, mood swings, and hallucinations.

    Nervousness, seizure, and vision changes.

    Heart problems, lung issues, and hypertension.

    Swelling in the ankles and feet, difficulty breathing, and tightness in the chest.

    Black tar like stools, chills, and convulsions.

    Severe cough, fainting, and headaches.

    Inability to speak, depression, and painful urination.

    Numerous other possible side effects have been found in users and through clinical studies. Ingredients like these have to be thoroughly tested for years in order for them to be allowed into public use. The kinds of side effects seen are similar in nature to other amphetamine like drugs. Our experts reviewed the top rated diet pills, which can be found via the link found here.

    Certain side effects require immediate medical attention, as it can be signs of a much larger problem.People with certain conditions are advised not to use this ingredient; it may have severe complications which can damage health long term. It can even be fatal to take this drug when one has certain medical issues.

    It’s also not advised to suddenly stop taking it, as it may cause serious complications due to its ability to cause addiction. Amphetamine like drugs are known to cause a buildup in the body, which when suddenly stopped can cause serious issues.

    Addiction is also a concern as well as withdrawal symptoms. Since it has effects similar to amphetamine, it can create the same type of addictive response. If one does not lose at least 4 pounds of weight within 4 weeks it’s advised to stop taking it.

    This sole active ingredient is only intended to be taken for a short period. It’s meant to help create behavior changes so one can sustain a lifestyle change in the future. There has yet to be a link between this and any other weight loss benefits such as increased metabolism or calorie burning. also adds a warning:

    “Taking Tenuate in combination with other diet pills or appetite suppressants can cause serious or life threatening medical problems”

    They also advise:

    “Be careful if you drive or do anything that requires you to be alert and able to see clearly”

    Many important considerations need to be taken into account before considering use of this amphetamine like drug. Not only does one have to follow a doctor’s strict recommendation, but one has to be aware of any side effects that are signs of a bigger problem.The highest rated diet pills have been compiled in a top 10 list found here.

    EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven fat burner such as Sletrokor for better results.

     Tenuate Quality of Ingredients

    6 of the 7 ingredients are inactive and have no weight loss potential. They’re only added to help provide texture and to make swallowing these pills easier.

    The sole active ingredient is a stimulant drug which is only meant for short term use. It may cause severe side effects, and it is an amphetamine like drug which produces similar effects as harsh drugs.

    Because of its potentially damaging nature, it’s a schedule 4 drug according to the DEA.  According to the label:

    “Abuse of the drug… may lead to limited physical dependence of psychological dependence”

    This is why one has to take this drug in close watch of a dedicatedmedical professional, and only for a short period. It’s been shown to potentially cause addiction and withdrawal effects. A lot of the weightloss has to come through one implementing diet and exercise.

    The only known benefit of this ingredient is to help with appetite suppression, not with calorie burning or metabolism increase. This makes it not only a poor choice, but a potentially harmful additive.  It’s not a very well rounded ingredient for weight loss.

    Certain conditions and medical issues can be cause for concern, as it may be a sign that the drug is producing damaging effects. Much like other amphetamines, even in short term use there can be serious cardiovascular problems.

    The top 10 list featured here has the top 10 diet pill supplements.

    The Price and Quality of Tenuate

    The price for a 30 tablet bottle can vary depending on where it is purchased. One drugs site shows it can sell for around $25, though this depends on location and whether or not one has insurance.

    There are many similar amphetamines like drugs which will often sell for the same price. No money back guarantee is offered, and effects can vary from person to person.

    There have been many complaints as well, as you’ll see in the “Customer Opinions of Tenuate” section, many failed to see any weight loss benefits. The common concern was that people only felt difficult side effects that made using Tenuate difficult.

    The possibility forserious side effects and addiction make this a potentially unsafe option for weight loss. One is paying just for one active ingredient that is similar in nature to amphetamine. The only effect is to help suppress appetite, exercise and dieting is what is required to help one lose weight. A list of the top 10 diet pill supplements is featured when you click here.

     Business of Tenuate

    The creators go by the name of Patheon Pharmaceuticals. They can be found via the following:

    Phone Number: (919) 226-3200

    Address: 4815 Emperor Blvd Suite 300

    Durham, North Carolina 27703

    The company is a giant pharmaceutical group that has been around since 1974.

    The FDA also sent them a warning letter about the lack of cleanliness in one of their manufacturing facilities.  The full details of the letter are unknown, but it was sent as what’s known as a Form 483. This means that the FDA noticed there were issues, and that they gave the company some time to correct their mistakes. A list of the highest rated diet pills is featured via the top 10 best.

    EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using weight loss pills for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.

    Customer Opinions of Tenuate

    Here are some direct quotes from users of Tenuate:

    “Can’t tell any difference in my appetite or energy level”

    “Side effect are severe headaches, de-hydration, difficulty sleeping, hands shaking”

    “had to stop because I was experiencing extremely dry mouth and lower back pain”

    “Honestly didn’t like Tenuate, just didn’t work, it made me feel awful just had to stop”

    Major side effects were a constant issue according to customers. Some failed to see any weight loss benefit, and there were people who actually gained weight by up to 15 pounds.

    The kinds of side effects people experienced included headaches, nausea, difficulty relaxing, insomnia, restlessness, fatigue, mood swings, anxiety, rapid heart rate, and much more.

    Those who failed to lose weight also mentioned they made sure to diet and exercise, but no results were felt.

    In some cases people found it difficult to concentrate and continue daily tasks. There were problems with feelings of agitation, and a lack of relaxation.

    Conclusion – Does Tenuate Work?

    When considering a brand like Tenuate it’s important to look over all the available information. Many users added how they didn’t like how they felt while on this drug, and there were several who failed to see any weight loss benefits. This drug requires strict medical supervision, and it’s only meant to provide short term effects. Most of the effort has to be done through dieting and exercising on one’s own. No money back guarantee is offered, and this drug may producesevere side effects which have been listed repeatedly according to clinical studies and customer reviews.

    The 2016 supplement of the year was found to be Sletrokor.It’s made only with natural plant based extracts that can help increase metabolism, boost fat loss, burn calories, improve mood, suppress appetite, and provide many other benefits. Customers have also left testimonials showcasing their own weight loss results on the official website. It’s clinically studied ingredients have shown the potential for many weight loss benefits.

    Sletrokor is backed by a full 30 day money back guarantee. If for any reason you want to make a return, it’s allowed with no questions asked. To learn more about Sletrokor click the link provided here.

  • Tonalin CLA Review: Does it Work?

    What is it?

    CLA is a weight loss patented ingredient found in different diet pills that’s made to help reduce body fat by up to 10%. It’s said to be free of any unwanted side effects while being easy to take.

    The creators say it’s one of the most clinically studied CLA ingredients. CLA is a form of safflower oil that is a vegetarian fatty acid. 18 different clinical studies have been performed on Tonalin CLA. It’s said to have 4 benefits, reduced fat cells, less fat storage over time, increased fat loss, and faster fat burning. This comprehensive review will go over the kinds of effects, whether or not it can promote weight loss, and special considerations. The top 10 ranked diet pill supplements are made available when you click this link.

    Do You Know the Best Weight Loss Pills of 2016?

    Tonalin CLA Ingredients and Side Effects

    Depending on the brand, there can be other inactive and active ingredients added.

    Tonalin CLA (Safflower Seed Oil)

    Tonalin CLA (Safflower Seed Oil): Patented form of Conjugated Linoleic Acid, a fatty acid used to help promote fat loss. The creators say with diet and exercise it can help preserve lean muscle while targeting body fat. It’s made to not just burn fat, but to keep fat from returning, and to make it easier to lose fat in the future.

    As far as its fat loss potential, has studied CLA and they concluded:

    “human studies on CLA are very unreliable and the overall effects seen with CLA are not overly potent as well as sometimes contradicting”

    They mention that studies have both shown no results and weak results. It’s also mentioned:

    “CLA too weakly affects PPAR receptors to really induce fat loss in an appreciable amount”

    PPAR are a group of receptors in the body that deal with metabolism and the breakdown of fats and other macronutrients. According to their studies, there isn’t much of a noticeable effect with all forms of CLA. The lack of a weight loss benefit has shown in many different clinical studies. Solutions for weight loss are possible via the top 10 ranked diet pills list.

    CLA is also found in many foods such as beef and dairy. The average person gets some form of CLA a day, as common foods carry it. It can promote side effects in supplement form such as:

    Upset stomach, nausea, and gas.

    Diarrhea, fatigue, and digestive issues.

    One clinical study on this ingredient was run by the European Journal of Nutrition. They tested it for a total of 6 months and in independent studies that were controlled. They found in their studies:

    “does not convincingly show that CLA intake generates any clinically relevant effect on body composition on the long term”

    With habitual use and over a long period it did not show any potent weight loss benefits which were worth its use.

    Safflower oil has chemicals in it that widens blood pressure, stimulate the heart, and lowers blood pressure. It is high in polyunsaturated fats while having some monounsaturated fats. Safflower oils are used to cook with, and they’re often used to paint with. It’s a cheap ingredient to produce.

    Another study into CLA was performed by the Hospital Universitario de La Princesa, they found that:

    “Experiments in humans have not been able to show a significant effect on body weight, body composition or weight gain related to either of the CLA isomers”

    Therefore, multiple studies into this ingredient have not shown it to be ineffective. The only clinical studies which did show weight loss were funded by the manufacturer, which may be potentially biased.

    The results of these findings showed results such as:

    “CLA produces a modest loss of body fat”

    “may help sustain initial reduction in BFM (Body Fat Mass)”

    Theconsensus online from trusted clinical review and health sites is that it’s unlikely that CLA will produce any noticeable changes in weight. Trusted studies that have been performed for long periods have also failed to see any noticeable changes in body weight.

    CLA is also already found in many different foods such as dairy, beef, eggs, poultry, and other foods. The average human diet gets just under 200 mg of CLA per day.  The company advises to take around 3 grams of CLA daily, though it’s unknown if this amount is truly needed. There are no other suggestions for this serving size on other websites. Our expert reviewed list has the top 10 ranked diet pills available when you click here.

    EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven fat burner such as Sletrokor for better results.

     Tonalin CLA Quality of Ingredients

    Diet pill companies will add Tonalin CLA in different amounts, and sometimes with different added ingredients. This ingredient on its own is already found in many foods, and legitimate studies have shown it’s not a very effective weight loss ingredient.

    It can produce side effects in larger amounts, but no added weight loss benefits have been seen. Since it can be replaced with natural foods, there doesn’t seem to be any real use to this ingredient. Studies on its weight loss potentially have not been very supportive.

    It can also be substituted by eating whole foods instead. There’s no standard limit needed for CLA supplementation either. Therefore, at the recommend minimum of 1.7 grams set forth by the manufactures, it’s unknown if this is truly necessary.

    Studies that have been performed on large amounts of this additive have shown that it still does not create any noticeable changes in weight.

    The top 10 list of diet pill supplements is made available when you click on this link.

    The Price and Quality of Tonalin CLA

    Prices range depending on which diet pill supplement is purchased. On the top Tonalin CLA brands sell between $13 to $20, depending on the serving size and manufacturer.  There’s no guarantee of a money back return policy by all brands.

    Each diet pill is allowed to add as much Tonalin CLA as they want, and with any other additives. Since studies into the ingredient have shown only minimal fat loss if at all, it’s not a very good ingredient. It can be replaced by eating whole foods instead. Due to the lack of proven weight loss benefits it makes Tonalin CLA an overpriced ingredient. A top 10 list of diet pill supplements is featured in the link here.

    Business of Tonalin CLA

    The manufactures of Tonalin CLA are the BASF Personal Care and Nutrition GmbH. They can be reached via the following:

    Phone Number: (800) 880-5768

    Address: 100 Park Avenue

    Florham Park, New Jersey 07932


    They are a company based in Germany that creates different ingredients and products. Very little information about their practices exists. They do not handle any returns, and whether or not one can get a return depends on the brand used that contains Tonalin CLA.

    They are part of a bigger company called BASF which helped create chemicals. They have been fined for emissions and spilling chemical waste into once clean waters.

    The company once also created a poison gas used in extermination camps.

    EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using weight loss pills for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.

    Customer Opinions of Tonalin CLA

    Here are some reviews found online of different users of Tonalin CLA diet pills:

    “I got several large acne cysts on my chin… Turns out I’m not the only one who has had hormonal issues after taking CLA”

    “Used this for 2 months but I really didn’t notice anything weight loss wise”

    “This productdoesn’t work, hasn’t worked for me”

    “I tried it and after 2 bottles, I saw NO results. Not worth the money, it’s a complete waste”

    Both a lack of weight loss and side effects were reoccurring issues with customers. It gave some stomach cramps, acne, loose stools, and digestive issues.

    Even those who made sure to add exercise and diet also failed to see any results. People mentioned they made sure to follow the recommended dosage strength, and they even finished bottles only to fail to see any results. In the comprehensive list found here there are the top 10 ranked diet pills.

    Conclusion – Does Tonalin CLA Work?

    When looking at Tonalin CLA it’s important to look at unbiased clinical studies, customer reviews on diet pills containing this ingredient, and what’s truly possible for weight loss. Health sites mention that studies into CLA have shown weak fat loss, and not enough to truly show promising results. Many customers that have used diet pills containing this ingredient also agree it fails to produce weight loss. This ingredient is also already part of people’s diets, as it’s found in many common foods. Unbiased clinical studies have confirmed this ingredient is too weak to rely on.

    An alternative is offered via the 2016 diet pill supplement of the year called Sletrokor.  This natural plant based extract is made up of clinically studied ingredients which have been shown to help suppress appetite, improve mood, enhance metabolism, and provide many other benefits. There are no added stimulants, binders, fillers, preservatives, or artificial colors to Sletrokor. It’s made only with natural ingredients. Users have left testimonials on their official website showing how they’ve lost significant amounts of weight.

    Sletrokor is backed by a full 30 day money back guarantee. Returns are offered with no questions asked and for any reason. To learn more about Sletrokor, click the link provided here.

  • Vintage Burn Review: Does it Work?

    What is it?

    Vintage Burn is a weight loss diet pill said to help burn fat while still preserving muscle. It also is used to increase focus and improve mood with its all natural ingredients.

    An intended benefit of this formula is more support for physical exercise, which is recommended. It’s advised to take it for only a 60 day period alongside diet and exercise. It’s also advised to start off with just one capsule twice a day to gauge results. The marketing on their website claims it’s the “World’s first muscle-preserving fat burner”. This review will highlight the quality of ingredients, possible weight loss effects, and whether or not Vintage Burn is a safe and effective diet pill. To see the top 10 list of the top ranked diet pill supplements, click the link here.

    Do You Know the Best Weight Loss Pills of 2016?

    Vintage Burn Ingredients and Side Effects

    Green Tea Leaf Extract
    Green Coffee Bean Extract
    Raspberry Ketones
    Olive Leaf Extract

    Bacopa Leaf Extract
    Garcinia Fruit Extract

    Forskohlii Root Extract
    Vegetable Capsule
    Vegetable Stearate

    Green Tea Leaf Extract:This leaf extract comes from a common tea that has antioxidants and caffeine. Though it is used for weight loss, a study by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health has mentioned:

    “There are not enough reliable data to determine whether green tea can aid in weight loss”

    They also report the possibility for side effects:

    “There have been some case reports of liver problems in people taking concentrated green tea extracts”

    Some documented cases exist of healthy people taking weight loss diet pills with green tea extracts, only to suffer organ damage.

    Other possible side effects can include:

    Nausea, upset stomach, and diarrhea.

    Irritability, mood swings, and agitation.

    Difficulty breathing, cardiovascular problems and rapid heart rate.

    Jitters, cold sweats and involuntary muscle spasms.

    Headache, ringing in the ears, and migraines.

    Anxiety, pain in the chest, and depression.

    Green Coffee Bean Extract:An unroasted coffee bean which has chlorogenic acid. It’s used to help burn fat and support heart health. mentions:

    “it seems weakly to moderately effective on these parameters”

    It can potentially lead to side effects such as:

    Rapid heart rate, difficulty breathing, and vomiting.

    Agitation, anxiety, and ringing in the ears.

    Upset stomach, vomiting, and nausea.

    Irregular heartbeat, insomnia, and mood swings.

    Any possibility for weight loss is only due to the added caffeine, which is not considered an effective way to help burn fat, as the body creates a tolerance very quickly. A top 10 list of the best diet pills is available when you click here.

    Olive Leaf Extract:This natural extract us often used to lower blood pressure and to reduce inflammation. It has antioxidants and is considered to be more potent than green tea.

    Studies into its positive effects are limited and conflicting.

    It’s also claimed to help with weight loss, however, has found:

    “has been implicated in various fat burning effects… there does not appear to be any overall fat lost in trials using olive leaf supplements”

    Therefore, it has no proven weight loss potential.

    Caffeine: Common stimulant added to increase energy, mental focus, and to raise metabolism. It stimulates the nervous system, and through it’s claimed to help with weight loss, mentions:

    “Habitual caffeine use leads to tolerance. This means the effects of caffeine will be diminished, often to the point where the only benefit a user experiences is caffeine’s;’ anti-sleep effect”

    It can also lead to many side effects that include:

    Insomnia jitters, and cold sweats.

    Rapid heart rate, cardiovascular problems, and muscle spasms.

    Inability to relax, mood swings, and anxiety.

    Vomiting, indigestion, and frequent bathroom use.

    Headaches, migraines, and muscular pains.

    Withdrawal issues, loss of focus, and agitation.

    A total of 150 mg of caffeine are offered per every 2 capsules. At the advised limit of 6 a day, a full serving of Vintage Burn provides 450 mg of caffeine.

    Bacopa Leaf Extract:Used as an herb to help improve brain health and promote better thinking and focus. It can lead to side effects especially when taken on an empty stomach. This can include:

    Bloating, stomach cramps, and diarrhea.

    Nausea, dry mouth, and fatigue.

    Increased bowel movements, slow heart rate, and ulcers.

    Chrysin:Extract that can be found in bee pollen. It’s used to raise testosterone but only when injected. adds:

    “Can boost testosterone when injected into the testicles; otherwise isn’t absorbed at all”

    Since it is poorly absorbed unless injected, it has not shown the possibility for having a positive effect. The body will often break it down causing it to be useless when taken by mouth.

    Forskohlii Root Extract:This herb us used to raise testosterone and increase fat loss. There hasn’t been much research, and adds:

    “Forskolin is still being researched for its effects on testosterone and fat loss”

    Web MD also confirms the lack of evidence by stating:

    “there is no reliable scientific information that shows Coleus forskohlii extracts taken by mouth are effective”

    It’s also unknown what possible side effects may result.Our experts ranked the 10 best diet pills in the link provided here.

    EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven fat burner such as Sletrokor for better results.

     Vintage Burn Quality of Ingredients

    Ingredients like forskohlii root extract, chrysin, olive leaf extract and green coffee bean extract have not been proven in clinical studies to be effective.  Some have also shown the possibility for causing unwanted side effects.

    Other additives like green coffee bean extract, caffeine, and green tea leaf extract are used as stimulants which can easily be replaced since they’re only included due to their caffeine.. They’re not very effective for long term use, and even in short term use the caffeine only has a slight effect on metabolism.

    Caffeine is not considered a reliable ingredient for weight loss, and it can potentially cause serious side effects. Taking a combination of stimulants can lead to many symptoms. A full serving of Vintage Burn also provided 450 mg of caffeine, which is 50 mg more than the advised daily limit set forth by health organizations. This can cause severe side effects and some people are more sensitive to caffeine than others.

    The top 10 list featured in this link has the top ranking diet pills.

    The Price and Quality of Vintage Burn

    At the maximum 6 capsules a day limit, a $49.99 bottle has 10 servings. This averages to a daily price of $4.99.

    This is particularly expensive when you consider the fact that the only proven ingredients for weight loss are garcinia cambogia, raspberry ketones and caffeine. The problem with caffeine is that the body quickly creates a tolerance and it can lead to many unwanted side effects. It’s also incredibly cheap to find in other foods such as coffee and tea.

    The majority of additives in this blend are either unproven for weight loss, or potentially unsafe. A top 10 list of the best diet pill supplements is featured in the link provided.

     Business of Vintage Burn

    The makers are known as COSIDLA Inc., and they can be reached via the following:

    Address: 9465 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 300

    Beverly Hills, California 90212

    They offer a contact form, though since all sales are handled via, one has to contact the website first for any questions about returns or handling.

    There is very little information about the company or how they operate. There are no FDA or FTC complaints against the manufacturers.

    EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using weight loss pills for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.

    Customer Opinions of Vintage Burn

    There are many reviews available on their page, here are what some users had to say:

    “This product did nothing that it says it supposed to do… no weight was lost”

    “I did not experience any difference/positive results from taking this product”

    “It did nothing for me, no energy, nothing”

    “First few days of taking one pill, I was off the walls and crashed pretty hard in the late morning”

    There are a total of 306 critical reviews against Vintage Burn. The majority of negative reviews said that there were absolutely no changes even when taking it for month long periods.

    Some did experience nausea, headaches, mood swings, irritability, and an inability to relax as well.Click the link here to see the top 10 diet pills for weight loss.

    Conclusion – Does Vintage Burn Work?

    Before deciding on Vintage Burn it’s important to look at the ingredients, and to look past the marketing used. This fat burner is made without GMO ingredients or artificial additives, but it also contains some unproven ingredients for weight loss. It relies mostly on stimulant ingredients to produce effects, though the caffeine sources it uses can be replaced for much cheaper. There’s also a possibility for side effects, some of which customers have experienced.

    The 2016 supplement of the year was found to be Sletrokor. It contains only plant based extracts free of any stimulants, fillers, binders, artificial colors, or unwanted additives. It’s made in a GMP certified facility, and it has clinically studied ingredients for weight loss. Many customers have left positive reviews as well as testimonials on their official website.

    Sletrokor is also backed by a full 30 day money back guarantee. All sales are offered risk free, with no questions asked if one wants to make a return. To learn more about Sletrokor, click the link featured here.

  • Abidexin Review: Does it Work?

    What is it?

    Abidexin is a weight loss pill made with clinically studied ingredients said to help reduce waist size. It’s advised to introduce exercise and dieting in order to maximize results its results.

    Information on Abidexin is limited on their official website. They do use 2 testimonials, one of which claims to have lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks, another person who used it to lose around 36 pounds in an unknown amount of time.  This comprehensive review will go over the quality of ingredients, whether or not weight loss is likely, and the overall effectiveness of Abidexin. The top 10 ranked diet pill supplements are featured in the link provided here.

    Do You Know the Best Weight Loss Pills of 2016?

    Abidexin Ingredients and Side Effects

    Garcinia Cambogia (60% Hydroxycitric Acid)
    Green Tea (50% PolyPhenol)
    Green Select Phytosome Green Tea
    Purple Tea with GHG

    Natural Caffeine

    Olive Oil

    Green Tea (50% PolyPhenol):Common tea extract made to provide antioxidants and natural caffeine.  Web MD has stated:

    “Green tea is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth long-term or in high-doses”

    It may increase the risk for side effects such as:

    Headaches, nausea, and difficulty breathing.

    Ringing in the ears, dizziness, and irregular heartbeat.

    Irritability, mood swings, and nervousness.

    Diarrhea, vomiting, and indigestion.

    Insomnia, sleep issues, and tremors.

    Reduced absorption of iron, serious headaches, and pain in the chest.

    The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health also adds:

    “There have been some case reports of liver problems in people taking concentrated green tea extracts”

    There are 2 forms of green tea extracts found in Abidexin, and it’s unknown if they are processed to avoid the risk for liver issues.

    GreenSelect Phytosome Green Tea:Patented form of green tea which is used to have a thermogenic effect for increased calorie burning. Though this extract is used for weight loss, The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health adds:

    “There are not enough reliable data to determine whether green tea can aid in weight loss”

    It’s believed the only reason it might affect weight is due to its caffeine.

    Purple Tea with GHG:Patented form of tea which has high polyphenol antioxidants more so than other strains of teas. It was created by the Maypro company.

    It is said to have potent antioxidant effects, and it’s sold as a weight loss extract. Studies have only been performed by the company and in short periods, it’s unknown if these effects are truthful as there’s a possibility for bias.

    Natural Caffeine:Common stimulant added to raise metabolism, provide energy, and improve focus. It’s unknown exactly how much caffeine is added in Abidexin.  It can lead to side effects that include:

    Rapid heart rate jitters, and cold sweats.

    Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

    Headaches, migraines, and ringing in the ears.

    Difficulty relaxing, restlessness, and pain in the chest.

    Difficulty breathing, muscle twitches, and mood swings.

    It is used for weight loss, though its effects are limited as the body creates a tolerance with repeat use. confirms by stating:

    “Habitual caffeine use leads to tolerance, which dulls several of caffeine’s’ effects”

    This effect will remain for upwards of a month. Taking more caffeine is not known to have an increased effect however. Stimulant free diet pills are available in the top 10 list.

    Theobromine:Stimulant extract which can be extractedfromchocolate, kola nut, and other foods.

    It stimulates the heart, acts as a diuretic, and widens blood vessels. It can potentially cause side effects such as:

    Rapid heart rate, jitters and muscle twitches.

    Insomnia, restlessness, and anxiety.

    Loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting.

    Withdrawal affects, headaches, and ringing in the ears.

    Ill feelings, pain in the chest, and cardiac failure.

    Seizures, internal bleeding, and diarrhea.

    Heart attacks, death, and cardiovascular damage.

    Since Abidexin adds theobromine in a proprietary blend, it’s impossible to determine the overall safety.

    Higenamine:Chemical extract which can be sourced from many different plants. It’s often used as a pre-workout supplement, and as a way to increase heart rate and stimulate the body.

    Web MD has expressed concern over its use:

    “purified or extracted chemical higemanime has not been studied in people. Therefore, its safety is not clear”

    They also add:

    “higenamine is one of the main chemicals in a plant called aconite. Aconite has been shown to causeserious heart-related side effects including arrhythmias and even death”

    It may be potentially dangerous, and knowing where it is extracted from is important to determine its safety. The makers of Abidexin fail to add where they source this additive from.A comprehensive list of the top 10 diet pills can be found in the link provided here.

    EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven fat burner such as Sletrokor for better results.

     Abidexin Quality of Ingredients

    There’s 2 proprietary blends added to Abidexin. One is an energy blend that has 3 common stimulants which can be found in natural foods.

    The Abidexin Proprietary blend has 3 forms of tea which are meant to provide antioxidants. These additives have not been proven to be effective for weight loss. The only additive which can produce weight loss is Garcinia Cambogia, though it can be found elsewhere with better additives.

    The overall quality of this diet pill is poor. It’s unlikely to be a well-rounded weight loss solution. Also, there’s no indication as to how much caffeine is added, this makes it impossible to determine if it’s truly a safe diet pill. A comprehensive list of the top 10 diet pill supplements is featured in the list here.

    The Price and Quality of Abidexin

    A 30 day supply sells for $49.95 when purchased via the manufacturer. This averages to a daily price of $1.66.

    Considering that 3 of the 7 active ingredients are tea strains, and that 3 of the additives are stimulants which can be sourced for cheaper elsewhere, making Abidexin greatly overpriced.

    The only truly effective ingredient which doesn’t have the possibility to produce side effects is Garcinia Cambogia. Since the majority of additives can be substituted for cheaper, it makes this a poor decision for weight loss.

    A major intended effect of this brand is to help provide stimulants for increasing metabolism. It’s known that stimulants eventually create a tolerance in the body, which reduces its overall effects. The top 10 diet pill supplements are made available in the link provided here.

     Business of Abidexin

    The makers of Abidexin are known as the Nutripharm LLC, they can be contacted via the following:

    Phone Number: (801)319-9865

    Address: 4778 North 300 West Suite 120

    Provo, Utah 84604


    There are 3 companies which use the same company name, and 2 of them are based in Utah. The only one that uses the official address is featured on the Better Business Bureau website. All 3 companies have an F rating; it’s unknown if this is a coincidence, or if the manufacturers are operating some sort of scam.

    The F rating was due to issues with sales, customer service, and delivery. Here’s what some customers had to say:

    “Product showed up months late and completely destroyed. Company failed to respond to several e-mail to rectify the problem”

    “It has been returned. They have not contacted me or refunded my money”

    “I am seeking the remainder of the amount that I paid for the product”

    Many people argued that the company failed to honor their claimed money back guarantee. There were also issues with people getting their supplements late, and one person had a damaged shipment sent. The highest rated diet pills have been thoroughly reviewed and compiled in the list provided here.

    EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using weight loss pills for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.

    Customer Opinions of Abidexin

    Here are some reviews found from different online customers:

    “it did nothing for me. I actually felt tired and hungry like an hour after taking even the max dosage”

    “My Dr. made me stop. My blood pressure escalated”

    “been taking them for about 3 weeks, I have felt sick to my stomach ever since”

    “Complete waste of money!”

    Some people had issues with side effects such as jitters, lightheadedness, headaches, difficulty breathing, and restlessness.

    The majority of people who left a review on Abidexin only had negative things to say. Some described it as being simply a caffeine pill, and that it did not help them lose any weight.

    There were concerns from customers that it only caused side effects, but that these symptoms would stop as soon as one stopped using Abidexin.

    Conclusion – Does Abidexin Work?

    Before making a decision on Abidexin, it’s important to look past the company claims. The majority of users have failed to see any weight loss benefits, and they’ve often complained about side effects that are common in stimulant formulas. People have also filed complaints on their Better Business Bureau page for not honoring their money back guarantee, and for having poor customer service support. The ingredients in Abidexin are commonly found stimulants, and the added tea extracts are cheaper elsewhere.

    The 2016 diet pill supplement of the year was found to be Sletrokor. It contains only plant based extracts made to suppress appetite, improve metabolism, aid digestion, enhance mood, and provide several other benefits. Testimonials are offered on their official website which showcases potent weight loss benefits.

    Sletrokor is backed by a full 30 day money back guarantee. There’s no risk, and returns are all offered with no questions asked. To learn more about Sletrokor, the link provided here has more information.

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  • Cell-U-Loss Review: Does it Work?

    What is it?

    Cell-U-Loss is a diet pill brand made to help get rid of water weight. It’s said to have minerals that can keep electrolytes balanced, while promoting health pH levels.

    Not much else is offered in terms of intended benefits. Water weight is known to cause not just a feeling of bloating, but also a bigger stomach. There are minerals added as well as natural ingredients which are often used to help provide diuretic effects. This review will go over the quality of ingredients, possible effects, and whether or not it can promote weight loss. The top 10 ranked diet pill supplements are featured in the link provided here.

    Do You Know the Best Weight Loss Pills of 2016?

    Cell-U-Loss Ingredients and Side Effects

    Sodium Chloride
    Potassium Chloride
    Calcium Carbonate
    Magnesium Oxide

    Corn Silk Extract
    Parsley Herb Extract
    Dandelion Leaf Extract
    Asparagus Root Extract

    Microcrystalline Cellulose
    Apple Cider Vinegar Powder
    Croscarmellose Sodium

    Stearic Acid
    Silicon Dioxide
    Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose

    Sodium Chloride:Most commonly known as table salt. It’s a common flavoring that’s also used as a way to provide both sodium and chlorine. High amounts can lead to cardiovasculardamage.

    It is found in many foods, and in high amounts can lead to bloating, diabetes, and other side effects. A comprehensive list of the top 10 diet pills is available when you click here.

    Potassium Chloride:Chemical which can be extracted from salt. It is often used as a fertilizer and as a way to provide potassium in the body. It is often found in fruits and vegetables in sufficient amounts.

    Calcium Carbonate:Chemical extract found in things like rocks. It is used to provide calcium in people who are deficient.  It can potentially lead to side effects that include:

    Upset stomach, burping, and gas.

    Nausea, muscle pain, and mood changes.

    Confusion, weakness, and fatigue.

    Increased urination and thirst, bone pain, and mental change.

    If kidney issues are experienced, it’s advised to immediately seek the support of a physician.

    Magnesium Oxide:A magnesium source extracted from lime. It is used to make cement and to provide laxative and stomach acid reducing effects. Possible side effects can include:

    Diarrhea, upset stomach, and allergic reactions.

    Dizziness, difficulty breathing, and rash.

    Corn Silk Extract:The strands at the top of an ear of corn. It has carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein. It’s often used as a diuretic and an anti-inflammatory.

    It can potentially lead to side effects such as:

    Rash, difficulty breathing, and itching.

    Low potassium in the blood.

    Parsley Herb Extract:Flavoring herb often added to foods as a garnish. It has trace minerals and is used to stimulate appetite, increase urine and menstrual flow, and reduce the risk for spasms.

    Web MD states:

    “Consuming very large amounts of parsley is LIKELY UNSAFE”

    It can potentially lead to anemia and kidney or liver problems. In the amounts found in foods it’s considered safe, but in supplement form it’s possible for it opt contribute to unwanted symptoms.

    Dandelion Leaf Extract:Flowering plant used as a diuretic and as a way to help treat infections and bile problems. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health adds:

    “there have been some case reports of upset stomach and diarrhea, and some people are allergic”

    They also question its use:

    “There is no compelling scientific evidence for using dandelion as a treatment for any medical condition”

    The lack of evidence makes it impossible to determine what kind of an effect it may have. Cell-U-Loss also fails to provide any evidence to support the use of this additive.

    Asparagus Root Extract: This vegetable has been used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine as a diuretic. adds:

    “has been used as a treatment for variousillnesses and as a diuretic, despite the lack of clinical evidence”

    It’s also unknown exactly what aproper dosage strength is, as there’s a lack of clinical studies.  It can potentially lead to side effects such as:

    Allergic reactions, asthma, and rashes.


    Web MD also adds:

    “There is not enough information available to know if (asparagus root) is safe”

    A comprehensive top 10 list of the best diet pills has been compiled by our experts here.

    EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven fat burner such as Sletrokor for better results.

    Cell-U-Loss Quality of Ingredients

    The 4 added minerals are already found in common foods, and they’re added in such small amounts that it’s difficult to determine what kind of an effect they may have.

    There’s also parsley herb, corn silk, dandelion leaf, and asparagus added, none of which have shown the possibility for potent effects. These additives also don’t have any fat loss effect, they’re intended to help get rid of water weight solely.

    Reducing water weight can help promote a less bloated look, but any weight loss is strictly water and not fat. It’s also not known if this effect is even possible with the amounts added. The company fails to offer much information about the effects, and no testimonials, clinical studies, or support is offered to help show why these ingredients would be effective.

    There’s also the possibility for side effects for each of the diuretic ingredients. The top 10 diet pills are ranked in a comprehensive list featured here.

    The Price and Quality of Cell-U-Loss

    A 30 day bottle is offered, but no sales are offered directly from the official website. Since the company runs a multilevel marketing company, all sales have to be made via one of their representatives.

    Their page sells Cell-U-Loss for $21. Many people who work for the company have complained that sales via this way is not allowed by the makers, and that it won’t be guaranteed fresh.

    4 of the minerals are commonly found in many foods, and the diuretic ingredients are cheap and potentially side effect causing.

    Dandelion root, asparagus root, and corn silk haven’t been proven to be effective in enough studies. There’s a complete lack of evidence that these ingredients would be both safe and effective. A major issue also exists since Cell-U-Loss has no fat loss effects, it’s only intended to help get rid of water weight. It does not suppress appetite, aid metabolism, or help burn fat.

    A list of the top 10 diet pills are featured when you click the link provided here.

    Business of Cell-U-Loss

    The manufacturers are known as Herbalife International. They can be contacted via the following:

    Phone Number: (866)617-4273

    Address: 800 W Olympic Blvd Suite 406

    Los Angeles, California 90015

    They currently have a C rating on their Better Business Bureau headquarters page.

    On July 2016, the company paid $200 million to settle a legal issue with the Federal Trade Commission. It forced the company to change all its business practices.

    The Fraud Discovery Institute also tested Herbalife products and found them to have elevated levels of lead. This lead to lawsuits and in particular a case where a woman who had liver related issues claimed it was because she took a Herbalife product.

    A total of 28 people have complained on their Better Business Bureau site due to issues with customer service, and the company’s products. Here’s what a few people had to say:

    “Was not allowed to return incorrect unused product immediately after receiving”

    “Ordered items were not delivered on specific date. The were not delivered at all”

    “Herbalife product caused health issues”

    “Herbalife International has failed to honor my previousrequests for withdrawal”

    It was common for people to have issues due to a lack of a return, and unhelpful customer service people. Users also had issues with either never receiving their products, or getting things shipped late and the company failing to respond to their concerns.

    EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using weight loss pills for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.

    Customer Opinions of Cell-U-Loss

    Here are some customer reviews found online:

    “These do absolutely nothing for me”

    “It did nothing for me and hated the bloated feeling”

    “No changes and I believe this has caused me to break out”

    “Dizziness, numb feet, my knees also get numb. I have never felt this way before”

    A total of 111 people have left negative reviews on their page.  The common complaint was that there were no weight loss benefits, and some also experienced side effects. The kinds of issues people experienced included acne, oily skin, headaches, and numbness.A comprehensive top 10 list of the highest ranked diet pills is available here.

    Conclusion – Does Cell-U-Loss Work?

    Cell-U-Loss is said to be good for balancing pH and for getting rid of water weight. The additives include common minerals already found in many foods, and the diuretic additives have either not been proven to work, or they provide no real fat loss benefits. Diuretics are meant more for reducing water weight but not actually triggering fat loss. Customers often complain not just of a lack of benefits, but also of side effects.

    The 2016 diet pill of the year is known as Sletrokor. It’s an all-natural plant based diet pull that’s used to help improve digestion, increase metabolism, burn fat, suppress appetite, enhance mood, and provide many other benefits. It’s made without any fillers, stimulants, binders, or unhealthy additives. Customers have left testimonials on the official Sletrokor website showcasing how they’ve lost significant amounts of weight.

    Sletrokor is backed by a full 30 day money back guarantee. All returns are offered with no questions asked for any reason. To learn more about Sletrokor, click the link provided.

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