Category: Self Improved Lifestyle

  • Try This Healthier Work-At-Home Fitness Routine

    Congratulations! You have finally escaped the cube farm and negotiated a work-from-home schedule. You imagine sleeping in a little later, trading high heels and skirts for sneakers and sweats, and saving a ton of money skipping your morning latte run in favor of your own Keurig creation. Working from home can help work/life balance and […]

  • 30-Minute Outdoor Fitness Circuit That Lets You Skip the Gym

    Take it from AcaciaTV motivation coach Alison Heilig, you don’t have to join a gym to get in shape and lose weight. Heck, you don’t really even need any equipment. “Every time, we change it up and make a game of it to keep it exciting,” Heilig said of her weekly workouts with her neighborhood […]

  • Get Ripped Like Summer 2015′s Biggest Blockbuster Stars

    Blockbuster movie season has officially begun. Though there are many, many reasons to see the following films, these action-packed summer movies feature some of the hottest celebrities in the world. If you use A-listers as your guiding light at the gym, see how can you combine your workout with your favorite new movie. The secret? […]

  • 11 Hikes You Must Take This Summer

    Some people hike all year, and some of us are fair-weather hikers. Regardless of what type of hiker you consider yourself to be, it is undoubtedly time to lace up the boots. If you are planning a trip to a new part of the country, or if you are simply tired of the same ‘ole […]

  • 10 A-List Women Who Love Their Bodies Without Your Permission

    It is incredibly refreshing to have public figures, celebrities, and actresses who speak out against the body obsession that runs rampant in Hollywood and throughout our country. In this day and age in particular, it is high time we have women to look up to who take care for themselves, but also defy the traditional […]

  • 14 Patio Perfect Memorial Day Recipes Your BBQ Can’t Live Without

    It’s officially the unofficial start to summer that we’ve all been craving! You know, that time of year when people start getting extra friendly with a neighbor or pal with a swimming pool. Memorial Day is here and, like most Americans, you probably have plans to spend the sunny day-off outside, on a deck, by […]

  • 4 Places Where Every Body Can Enjoy Swimsuit Shopping

    We all know that the words “swimsuit season” are not always greeted positively. Besides the fact that some of us don’t even like swimming, over the history of the swimsuit, women have been made to feel bad about the shape and size of their bodies while wearing one. The great news is, you can wear a […]

  • Garlicky Mushroom Cavatappi Pasta Recipe: A Love Story

    Do you remember the Book-It program? It’s Pizza Hut‘s program for rewarding kids for reading. I crushed Book-It. I mean, in first grade, I had piles of those free Personal Pan pizza coupons stacked up at home. About once a month, mom would take me to the neighborhood Pizza Hut to collect my prize. You […]

  • 5 Questions to Ask at Your Farmers Market

    I love starting my weekend with a trip to the farmers market. I may start the day overwhelmed by my to-do list, but everything slows down as I start to walk past the tables of vibrant produce, local honey, and artisanal breads and cheeses. Connecting with your food and those who produce it makes you […]

  • True Food Cherry Tart: A Six-Ingredient Summer Dessert

    By TrueFoodMovement, a food blog that explores the healthier side of life. Cherries! They are so enticing and delicious and great for dessert! You can easily create a dish with little or no added sugar — just as we’ve done in this simple cherry tart. Your loved ones will think you’re a kitchen goddess. The […]