Author: superspiderclub

  • The No-Squat Lower Body Workout in Just 5 Moves

    I love squats because they are functional and efficient. Squats strengthen the muscles that keep us mobile and independent. Every time we sit in a chair or use the bathroom we are squatting. When we can no longer do those things on our own we are in trouble. So imagine the challenge for those who […]

  • 4 Super Effective Leg Workouts from Gerren Liles

    By Gerren Liles, AcaciaTV trainer I’ve got the moves to chisel and sculpt your legs to perfection. Now that the weather’s warm, get ready to show off your gorgeous gams in a short skirt by doing 1-3 sets of each of these 4 exercises, 2-3 times a week. ALL OUT LUNGES Stand tall with your feet […]

  • The First Women’s Strength Nation LIVE Event Motivates Women to Take Back the Weight Room

    Sunny San Diego was the backdrop for the first Women’s Strength Nation LIVE event April 10 – 12, 2015 and Diets In Review was there every step of the way. The kickoff was part of the launch of Westin Hotel and Resort’s new Westin Wellness Escapes, a series of weekend-long events devoted to helping you […]

  • Get a Good Sleep and a Good Sweat at the 5 Best Fitness-Minded Hotels

    You know that thing where you travel and you’re left to figure out where and how and when you are going to get your workout in? Well the Westin Hotels & Resorts is changing the game! Holly Perkins, women’s fitness expert and founder of Women’s Strength Nation, has recently paired with Westin Hotels & Resorts to kick off their “Westin […]

  • Do Fasted Workouts Work? What Skipping Breakfast Means for Your Fitness

    You may or may not have heard of fasted workouts, or probably more likely, fasted cardio. Fasted workouts are just that: workouts that are done in the morning on an empty stomach. The idea is, if you get your sweat on before you break the overnight fast with breakfast (yes, indeed, that’s where the name […]

  • Drunk Munchies are Real! 3 Ways to Combat the Morning After Bloat

    You’re trying to lose weight, but you still deserve a social life, so you start your night out with a plan — because fail to plan, plan to fail, right? You’ll have a low calorie cocktail or two, you’ll drink lots of water in between, and you’ll steer clear of those the appetizers you know […]

  • Fat Burning Workouts For Arms

    Weight Loss Supplements EnergyLooking To Buy Fat Loss Factor Grocery List Pdf Order Now!!The Fat Burning Workouts For Arms will help you remove all the disturbing and troublesome body weights. Dr. Charles D.C as the author of this program will give you much information about crash diets as well as diet products, such as for example pill and drops. He will explain that the building blocks of this

  • Try This Healthier Work-At-Home Fitness Routine

    Congratulations! You have finally escaped the cube farm and negotiated a work-from-home schedule. You imagine sleeping in a little later, trading high heels and skirts for sneakers and sweats, and saving a ton of money skipping your morning latte run in favor of your own Keurig creation. Working from home can help work/life balance and […]

  • 30-Minute Outdoor Fitness Circuit That Lets You Skip the Gym

    Take it from AcaciaTV motivation coach Alison Heilig, you don’t have to join a gym to get in shape and lose weight. Heck, you don’t really even need any equipment. “Every time, we change it up and make a game of it to keep it exciting,” Heilig said of her weekly workouts with her neighborhood […]

  • Get Ripped Like Summer 2015′s Biggest Blockbuster Stars

    Blockbuster movie season has officially begun. Though there are many, many reasons to see the following films, these action-packed summer movies feature some of the hottest celebrities in the world. If you use A-listers as your guiding light at the gym, see how can you combine your workout with your favorite new movie. The secret? […]