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Author: superspiderclub
Skip These Workout Hair Mistakes to Prevent Breakage
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Swish,swish,swish…it’s not the sound of three point shooter on fire, but the noise I imagine my hair making while I run. And when I had to chop it all off a few years ago after […]
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Secrets to Preventing Workout Acne
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At 16, a volleyball teammates mother turned to me one day and said “geez what are you, like a walking Noxzema ad?” I was utterly confused because until that point, water was basically all that […]
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Springing Into Our Flow (Like Whoa) in the Latest From KiraGrace
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I (Kristen) was sitting on my mat the other day, watching my fellow yogis wander in and set up their spaces, and, I had a thought: What we look for in yoga clothes has quite a bit in common with what we seek out in a class. The most important thing, of course, is function. Obviously, if I’m attending a class, I’m there to get something out of it — a workout, a stretch, maybe a spiritual connection. And whatever I happen to be wearing needs to move and stretch and stay put no matter what positions I find myself…
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7 Minute Leg Workout (SLIM AND BUILD LEGS!!)
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Hawaij: The Yemini Staple That’s Spicing Up My Kitchen
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My spice cabinet is one of my favorite parts of my kitchen. Not because it’s fancy (it’s … just a cabinet), but because it’s so full of possibilities. A quick twirl of the lazy susan in there can show me just the right spice to take any dish up a notch with just a few shakes. Even though I have a few go-tos that I toss in many dishes — red pepper flakes, a special Tuscan blend, cinnamon — I’m always open to trying something new and interesting. And the Hawaij blends that Pereg recently sent my way are definitely new…
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Why Runners Make the Best Employees
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Running pretty much makes you better at life. I have no statistics to back that up, but I’m quite certain it’s true based on the amount of time we spend telling people that we went […]
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Podcast Ep 108: The Fit Bottomed Girls Roundtable
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We recently had a discussion off-air about our disappointment in the way some personal trainers and gym instructors seem to be using old-timey talking points that incorporate body-, age-, and fat-shaming as a part of their interaction with members. And, as you’d imagine, we had thoughts about it. A lot of ’em. So we decided to shake things up a bit. Instead of bringing in a guest for this ep, we thought we’d pick up that discussion and share it with you all. So, in this ep, you’ll get lots of Margo, Jenn, and Kristen, as we talk about outdated ideas…
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