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Author: superspiderclub
Pain Relief, a Rub Away
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It’s no secret that I have a few nagging, painful spots — and I’m always on the lookout for something that might provide some relief.Ā So, as you might imagine, I’ve got a nice little stockpile of muscle rubs and pain creams under my bathroom sink. Now, I can’t truthfully say that I’ve found a magical potion that alleviates all my aches and pains — if I did, this article would actually be a video, and I’d be doing this the whole time: via GIPHY So far, I’ve not had quite that level of success. But, I have been lucky…
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On Self Love
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Listen. Itās hard to learn how to love the shit out of yourself in a world that functions best when you donāt. Itās challenging to feel as though youāre enough and you have enough in a capitalistic, patriarchal society that thrives on convincing you how much more you need and […]
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Comparing Foam Rollers, Balls and Massage Sticks: What Do You Need?
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It’s a pain most runners know all to well now…the pain that you first avoid, then slowly find yourself craving. Foam rolling, it’s just like running! From the original black foam roller we found in […]
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On Ritual
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Every morning I sit in my favorite chair, surrounded by my plants, a cup of coffee in my hand, sage burning, my phone on airplane mode. I donāt check email or scroll through Instagram. I donāt put any pressure on myself to do anythingāand instead give myself a few moments […]
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Podcast Ep 111: Nealy Fischer, The Flexible Chef
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Nealy Fischer, who you might better know as The Flexible Chef, inspires people all over the globe to live a healthier, well-rounded lifestyle. Armed with a ālittle black bookā of favorite recipes, workout methods, yogis and health professionals, she founded MAYYA, which runs luxury wellness events across Asia. Nealy describes herself as a recovering perfectionist — something many of us can relate to, right? She believes we’d all feel better and happier if we could just ditch our goals of perfection in the kitchen and focus on filling our meals with a little more fun and meaning. She counts fixing…
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Hot and Healthy Summer Food Trends
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Some summer trends we’re seeing right now leave us lukewarm — like, are we honestly doing this again? But others — especially those in the health food realm — have us more like: via GIPHY Here are a few that have us psyched to see what other goodies summer has in store! Yogurt That Goes Beyond the Cow Well, if this doesn’t moo-ve you, then we don’t know what will. Yogurt is coming in so many different varieties these days! Bellwether Farms Sheep Milk Yogurt is heating up the refrigerated section with 60 percent more protein than normal yogurt and…
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You *May* Enjoy These New Workout Tunes ā¦
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Catch the bad pun in the headline? Yeah, we’re corny like that. But, seriously, you really may like the following 10 new workout tunes. We know we do! Feels Right, Grace Gracie It definitely feels right to work out to — and include — this one, especially since she did this for all of us! 123456, Fitz and the Tantrums Just TRY not to move around when this is on. (Also great at teaching kids how to count.) Night Running, Cage the Elephant and Beck Two of our favorite musical artists … and they’re talking about running. OF COURSE we’re…
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