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Author: superspiderclub
Why I’m Sweet on Tasting Room
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Joining a wine club can seem like a no-brainer for those who believe that the only thing better than getting a fun package in the mail is discovering a fantastic new wine. But the traditional wine club — like the ones you join at a winery — hasn’t necessarily been quite right for everyone. Maybe you haven’t had a chance to visit wine country, so you don’t even know which winery you’d want to receive a regular shipment from. Perhaps you’re interested in a wider variety than a single winery tends to offer. Or you might have really specific tastes,…
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Preparing for Babies No. 2 and 3: Nursery and Product Must-Haves
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I’m almost too nervous to type it in case we’re forgetting something major, but — aside from buying a minivan and investing in a double jogging stroller — I think we are pretty set up for the twin girls to arrive! My husband and I have spent the last couple of months turning what was a tiny playroom into the nursery, and I gotta say, that I’m very pleased with how it turned out. It’s cozy and functional, but we squeezed all of the most-important things in there! There were a few things that we knew were a MUST from…
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Ultimate Green Smoothie Guide: Recipes, Tips, Additions for Runners
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Sip it, slurp it, guzzle it, eat it with a spoon, just do it. This is your ultimate green smoothie recipes for beginners guide to take you from “uhhh what’s that” to “I gotta have […]
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Understanding the Restrict-Binge-Shame Cycle
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I feel like every time we interview someone for our podcast, I learn something. Or, I hear something in a new way that is so crystal clear that it’s almost like I learn it all over again. You know what I mean? This happened recently when we were chatting with Stefani Ruper of Coconuts & Kettlebells. She dropped a number of truthbombs, but the one that stood out to me was her past experience with the “restrict-binge-shame cycle.” In case you’ve never heard of it — or you’ve never heard of it called that — let me break it down…
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Beautycounter Review: Going All Natural?
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Ever feel like you’re one of the last kids to the party? I tend to the be person who is dubious of anything that becomes a massive hit. Take Harry Potter, I didn’t read it […]
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Summer Stuff We Love
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Summer weather have you craving more fun, outdoor activities? We hear that! via GIPHY Now, there are loads of things we stock up on this time of year — sunscreen, hats, towels, snacks (of course) — but we’ve had a few other super cool products sent our way for review recently that we just had to share. (Note: So much so that we’re affiliates for some of the items you see below. Thanks for helping to support the site!) Brush on Block Protective Lip Oil SPF 32 I’m a lip gloss and lip balm fiend. And while I do like…
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