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Fast Fat Burning Soup
Fat Burning Workouts For Teenage GuysReview High Fat Burning Foods Recipes Get NowThe Fast Fat Burning Soup can help you remove all the troublesome and disturbing body weights. Dr. Charles D.C as the author of this program will provide you with much information about crash diets and also diet products, such as for example pill and drops. He shall explain that the foundation of this plan is the
How To Find Real Love This Year
Swiping right and left has changed the face of dating forever. But the latest research shows that there is room for improvement: No matter how much technology has changed our lives, we’re still figuring out how to meet (and keep!) the right person. Here is the latest data on the culture of mating in the face of an ever-increasing global focus on science, mobility, and easy hookups.
Best City for Love
San Francisco is the best city for singles, according to a poll by Zillow. A full 39% of the population is unattached, so your chances for interacting with a suitable potential partner is high. According to a Gallup Healthways poll, it’s also one of the fittest cities in the US, and it’s not just the twists of Lombard Street that will get you in shape. It’s easy to get out of the city to one of the many national parks and beaches nearby. If your ideal date is strolling through a redwood grove perched next to the Pacific Ocean, then the city by the bay might be the right fit for you.Geeky Guys Are Hot
Women prefer nerds to jocks: In a survey by the Crucial Tech-Know Meter Survey, 45% of women felt that technology was the most desirable occupation for a spouse, versus the 5% who want to say “I do” to a football player. And if they’re in glasses the stats get even better: Almost 90% find men sexy in specs. The days of Urkel are long gone. In 2016, geeks rule.Clean Apartments Are a Turn-on
Details matter. In a survey of single people by, 82% of renters are paying attention to the cleanliness of a date’s apartment. And don’t forget to scrub the toilet: Almost half of respondents say that a sparkling bathroom was the most important part of the apartment. And while you’re at it, ditch the dud roommate. Respondents reported that if they felt unwelcome by others in the home, they didn’t want to return.The Fine Line between Dating and Friendship
Going to a concert with a crush? He might be taking you on a date, but you’d never know. Sixty-nine percent of respondents to a poll by ChristianMingle and JDate don’t know whether or not they’re on a date when they go out with someone they like. Since we are long past the days of codified rules about courtship, everyone’s confused. Try nuzzling up or touching his arm to get a vibe. If you get the cold shoulder, you’ll know the answer.Words with More-Than-Friends
We all have a mental list of words that set our teeth on edge. But according to game maker Zynga, when trying to be sexy while playing word games, “thrust” makes the most people just feel awkward. Add “thrust” to “bae,” and you’ll agree that there are some words that are best left unsaid. Lover.The post How To Find Real Love This Year appeared first on Tips on Life and Love.
8 Myths About Gluten
All progress starts with the unvarnished truth, but until you deal with the truth right in front of your nose, you cannot move forward. My mission is to shine a big light on the myths perpetuated about gluten (out of ignorance, an unwillingness to acknowledge error, or for mercenary reasons), reveal the truth based on the latest research and the experiences of thousands of people, and change the message. That message is based on a definition of gluten that hasn’t evolved over more than sixty years! Only when you understand and accept that truth will you be able to rid yourself of pain and restore your health. From No Grain, No Pain.
Let’s look at the eight myths and eight truths that underlie the No-Grain, No-Pain program.
Myth 1: Gluten is found only in wheat, barley, and rye—and sometimes oats.
Not true! Gluten is not a single protein found in a few grains; rather, it refers to a huge family of proteins. And only one protein, gliadin, found in wheat, barley, and rye, has been extensively studied. Each grain has one or more types of gluten proteins. A recent study identified four hundred new forms of gluten, forty of which were more damaging than the form of gluten for which doctors most commonly test.Myth 2: If you are gluten-sensitive, you can safely eat whole grain substitutes such as corn and rice.
Not true! All grains contain some form of gluten. Research shows that corn (and corn oil) also produces numerous intestinal and health problems for the gluten sensitive. Remember, corn is a grain, not a vegetable—and it is in thousands of “Frankenfoods,” aka junk-food products. For a list of hidden corn–based ingredients, visit /hidden-corn-based-ingredients.Myth 3: Eating dairy products is safe because they are gluten free.
Not true! It has been found that milk “looks” like gluten to your immune system, so if you’re gluten sensitive your immune system may react to it.Myth 4: If you don’t have Celiac disease, you can eat all the gluten you want.
Not true! Celiac disease is just the tip of the gluten-sensitivity iceberg and only one of many autoimmune and other conditions it can cause.Myth 5: Gluten sensitivity is the same thing as celiac disease.
Not true! Most people (and most health professionals) think gluten affects just the gut. They don’t realize that gluten sensitivity is in fact indicated by a host of other symptoms, from headaches to muscle pain, arthritis, and hypothyroidism. Celiac disease is only one manifestation of gluten sensitivity, which is a genetic state that can express itself through multiple painful disorders when triggered by gluten.Myth 6: Lab testing for gluten sensitivity is accurate.
Not true! There is no lab test for all of the different forms of gluten. When doctors test blood for gluten reactions, the test measures only one type of gluten found in wheat, barley, and rye, creating a potential false sense of security. Even the most progressive lab in the world only looks at a dozen distinct gluten proteins.Myth 7: Eating a gluten-free diet is dangerous if you’re not gluten sensitive.
Not true! In fact, if one member of the household is gluten sensitive, getting (and keeping) that family member on a gluten-free diet works best if the whole family supports him/her by eating the same way. There is no scientific evidence that humans need to eat grains.Myth 8:Gluten-free processed foods are safe.
Not true! These foods are usually full of grains (and soy) to which gluten-sensitive people are likely to react. Don’t eat these foods if you value your health.How Much Gluten is in Different Grains?
11The post 8 Myths About Gluten appeared first on Tips on Life and Love.
How to Make Bone Broth
Bone broth and stock have always been made from the parts of the animal that could not be used for other purposes, like the chicken carcass from a roast chicken or beef marrow bones, not to mention chicken feet or beef knuckles. Not only do these overlooked bits impart deep, rich flavor to a broth, they also lend amazing health benefits. From The Dirt Cure: Growing Healthy Kids with Food Straight from Soil.
Makes 4 quarts
You can enjoy bone broth as a base for soups and stews, a flavorful cooking liquid for rice and other grains, or a simple mug of something warm.
Think of the broth as a blank canvas for whatever ingredients and flavors you love most—a couple of thumb-size pieces of fresh ginger root (the peel can stay on if it’s organic); a few sticks of dried astragalus root; a handful of medicinal mushrooms such as reishi, maitake, or shiitake; a thumb-size piece of turmeric root or one to two teaspoons of ground turmeric; veggies like squash, celery, onions, and carrots; and other flavoring agents like garlic or fresh herbs such as parsley, thyme, or cilantro. Don’t forget that making broth is a perfect opportunity to use vegetable scraps. You can easily scale this recipe up or down—the basic rule of thumb is roughly one pound of bones per gallon of water, but soon you’ll be able to just eyeball it.
3–4 pounds bones of any type—beef, bison or buffalo, marrow
bones, lamb, venison, chicken, duck, goose, turkey, goat, or pork,
roasted at 400°F for 50 minutes. Add chicken feet or beef knuckles
for more nutrition and flavor. Don’t knock it till you try it!
1 gallon filtered water
3–5 cups assorted vegetables, roots, and fresh or dry herbs
10 cloves garlic, peeled1. In a large stockpot or Crock-Pot, submerge the bones in the filtered water (adding more if necessary). Bring to a low simmer and allow to cook covered for 6 to 12 hours if using chicken bones, 12 to 24 hours (up to 48, if desired) when using larger bones like beef. During the first few hours, skim away any gray foam that rises to the top. This is the time to add mushrooms like maitake or shiitake, as well as astragalus root or ginger.
2. During the last hour of cooking, you can add vegetables—except for garlic and fresh herbs, which you can add toward the end. A good indication that the broth is done is the bones become crumbly—a sign that the minerals are dissolving into the broth. (Make sure to eat the marrow—in pastured animals the marrow is dense with healthy fats that support immunity.)
3. Strain the broth through a colander or sieve and store in the fridge for up to a week or freeze it into cubes to have handy for future meals. The bits of ginger, reishi, and astragalus have already infused the soup and can be composted.
The post How to Make Bone Broth appeared first on Tips on Life and Love.
Why Accepting Responsibility Is Key for Sobriety
The truth is that you, and only you, are responsible for the quality of your life. This is the core idea on which our book is built. From the The 30-Day Sobriety Solution.
Many years ago, Dr. Robert Resnick, a psychotherapist in Los Angeles, taught us a very simple but very important formula that has had a profound effect on our lives and work. It is a core principle we have taught to hundreds of thousands of people around the world that clarifies what 100% responsibility really means:
E (Event) + R (Response) = O (Outcome)
Every outcome you experience in life—sobriety or alcoholism, excessive drinking or “normal” drinking, financial success or poverty, health or sickness, happiness or dissatisfaction—is the result of how you have responded to an earlier event or events in your life. The formula states that if you don’t like the outcomes you are experiencing in your life today, you have two options:
1. You can blame the event (E) for your lack of results (O). In other words, you can blame anything and everything else: the presence of a liquor store and bar on every corner, your lack of education, racism, not having enough money, your friends, your family’s drinking history, your past failed attempts at quitting drinking, the death of a loved one, losing your job, and so on. Without a doubt, these factors exist. But if any one of them was so absolute in deciding how your life would unfold, nobody would ever succeed. Actor Robert Downey Jr. would never have finally gotten sober to star in the Iron Man movies, Jackie Robinson would never have become the first African American to play major league baseball, and Samuel L. Jackson would not have become one of the top-ten-grossing actors of all time after the age of forty (after he went to rehab and got sober).
For every difficult circumstance in which someone ended up failing, thousands of other people faced the same circumstance and succeeded. The external conditions and circumstances are not stopping you—you are stopping yourself!
2. Or you can change your responses (R) to the events (E)—the way things are—until you get the outcomes (O) you want. You can’t change the past, but you can change how you respond to the past. To do this, you must regain control of your thoughts, your beliefs, your desires, and, ultimately, your actions. You need to stop responding to events by drinking, whether it is drinking to celebrate, drinking to forget, or drinking to socialize, and respond with thoughts and actions that are aligned with your values, goals, and purpose. Don’t worry. We know this is easier said than done. We will give you the tools and techniques you need to regain control of your thoughts and choose more effective actions.
The post Why Accepting Responsibility Is Key for Sobriety appeared first on Tips on Life and Love.
Fat Loss Factor Kopen
Best Diet Pills In Canada Over The CounterPreview Fat Burning Omelette Recipes Order Now!!The Fat Loss Factor Kopen can help you remove all of the troublesome and disturbing body weights. Dr. Charles D.C as the author of this program will give you much information about fad diets in addition to diet products, such as pill and drops. He’ll explain that the building blocks of this plan may be the
JJ Smith Recipe: Apple Berry Green Smoothie
Ready to feel lighter? Try this healthy morning smoothie. From Lose Weight Without Dieting or Working Out.
1 handful spring mix greens
2 handfuls spinach
2 cups water
1 1/2 cups frozen blueberries
1 banana, peeled
1 apple, cored and quartered
1 packet stevia
2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds
OPTIONAL: 1 scoop of protein powderPlace leafy greens and water into blender and blend until mixture is a green juice-like consistency. Stop blender and add remaining ingredients. Blend until creamy.
The post JJ Smith Recipe: Apple Berry Green Smoothie appeared first on Tips on Life and Love.
Best Weight Loss Pills In Uae
What Should My Fat Burning Zone BePurchase for Fat Burning Foods Nz For SaleThe Best Weight Loss Pills In Uae can help you remove all of the troublesome and disturbing body weights. Dr. Charles D.C because the author of this program will provide you with much information about crash diets as well as diet items, such as pill and drops. He shall clarify that the foundation of this plan may be the
Challenge: Don’t Die with Your Music Still in You
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer encouraged us, “Don’t die with your music still in you.”
Before I was burned, I had loved to play the piano. I wasn’t any good but I loved it. That love was robbed from me when my fingers were amputated after the fire when I was nine years old.
But my parents challenged me to play; to not die with music still in me. At first it was painful and I could only play one key at a time. But I played. I practiced. And I believed.
Today I play a song on the piano for you because I have a song to share! Listen and then accept my challenge: Don’t die with your music still in you.
My friends, you have music to share. This is your day. Live inspired!
The post Challenge: Don’t Die with Your Music Still in You appeared first on Tips on Life and Love.