Aaptiv: Like a Coach for All Your Favorite Workouts

Big Thanks Posted From https://fitbottomedgirls.com/2019/02/aaptiv-like-a-coach-for-all-your-favorite-workouts/

Sometimes, I wake up with a clear idea of what I’d like from my workout that day. via GIPHY Maybe I want to do a HIIT session at the gym, or take a long, slow run outside, or head downtown for a class at my favorite yoga studio. If my body is craving a particular kind of movement, I’m all for honoring that. But often, the only thing clear is that I want to move and sweat — and I don’t want to have to come up with the workout myself. via GIPHY Hey, there’s a reason that even those of…

The post Aaptiv: Like a Coach for All Your Favorite Workouts appeared first on Fit Bottomed Girls.


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