Podcast Ep 118: Sahar Aker of #IChooseBeauty

Big Thanks Posted From https://fitbottomedgirls.com/2019/08/podcast-ep-118-sahar-aker-of-ichoosebeauty/

Meet Sahar Aker, the mental health advocate who started the #IChooseBeauty movement and hashtag — which she calls a “life preserver” for her own mental health and happiness. A former health reporter, Sahar first reported on depression after her mother’s death 20 years ago; she now serves as an inspiration for people on social media as she continues to share her story and build a supportive community online. Her own battle with depression led to the creation of IChooseBeauty, and her decision to document one beautiful thing each day has turned into a popular (and free!) 30-day #IChooseBeauty photo challenge…

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