Understanding the Restrict-Binge-Shame Cycle

Big Thanks Posted From https://fitbottomedgirls.com/2019/06/understanding-the-restrict-binge-shame-cycle/

I feel like every time we interview someone for our podcast, I learn something. Or, I hear something in a new way that is so crystal clear that it’s almost like I learn it all over again. You know what I mean? This happened recently when we were chatting with Stefani Ruper of Coconuts & Kettlebells. She dropped a number of truthbombs, but the one that stood out to me was her past experience with the “restrict-binge-shame cycle.” In case you’ve never heard of it — or you’ve never heard of it called that — let me break it down…

The post Understanding the Restrict-Binge-Shame Cycle appeared first on Fit Bottomed Girls.


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