How To Find Real Love This Year

online dating, young couple, looking for love, How To Find Love for Real, Best City For Love, Geeky Guys Are Hot, Fine Line Between Dating and FriendshipSwiping right and left has changed the face of dating forever. But the latest research shows that there is room for improvement: No matter how much technology has changed our lives, we’re still figuring out how to meet (and keep!) the right person. Here is the latest data on the culture of mating in the face of an ever-increasing global focus on science, mobility, and easy hookups.

Best City for Love
San Francisco is the best city for singles, according to a poll by Zillow. A full 39% of the population is unattached, so your chances for interacting with a suitable potential partner is high. According to a Gallup Healthways poll, it’s also one of the fittest cities in the US, and it’s not just the twists of Lombard Street that will get you in shape. It’s easy to get out of the city to one of the many national parks and beaches nearby. If your ideal date is strolling through a redwood grove perched next to the Pacific Ocean, then the city by the bay might be the right fit for you.

Geeky Guys Are Hot
Women prefer nerds to jocks: In a survey by the Crucial Tech-Know Meter Survey, 45% of women felt that technology was the most desirable occupation for a spouse, versus the 5% who want to say “I do” to a football player. And if they’re in glasses the stats get even better: Almost 90% find men sexy in specs. The days of Urkel are long gone. In 2016, geeks rule.

Clean Apartments Are a Turn-on
Details matter. In a survey of single people by, 82% of renters are paying attention to the cleanliness of a date’s apartment. And don’t forget to scrub the toilet: Almost half of respondents say that a sparkling bathroom was the most important part of the apartment. And while you’re at it, ditch the dud roommate. Respondents reported that if they felt unwelcome by others in the home, they didn’t want to return.

The Fine Line between Dating and Friendship
Going to a concert with a crush? He might be taking you on a date, but you’d never know. Sixty-nine percent of respondents to a poll by ChristianMingle and JDate don’t know whether or not they’re on a date when they go out with someone they like. Since we are long past the days of codified rules about courtship, everyone’s confused. Try nuzzling up or touching his arm to get a vibe. If you get the cold shoulder, you’ll know the answer.

Words with More-Than-Friends
We all have a mental list of words that set our teeth on edge. But according to game maker Zynga, when trying to be sexy while playing word games, “thrust” makes the most people just feel awkward. Add “thrust” to “bae,” and you’ll agree that there are some words that are best left unsaid. Lover.

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