Podcast Ep 108: The Fit Bottomed Girls Roundtable

Big Thanks Posted From https://fitbottomedgirls.com/2019/03/podcast-ep-108-the-fit-bottomed-girls-roundtable/

We recently had a discussion off-air about our disappointment in the way some personal trainers and gym instructors seem to be using old-timey talking points that incorporate body-, age-, and fat-shaming as a part of their interaction with members. And, as you’d imagine, we had thoughts about it. A lot of ’em. So we decided to shake things up a bit. Instead of bringing in a guest for this ep, we thought we’d pick up that discussion and share it with you all. So, in this ep, you’ll get lots of Margo, Jenn, and Kristen, as we talk about outdated ideas…

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