What is it?
CLA is a weight loss patented ingredient found in different diet pills that’s made to help reduce body fat by up to 10%. It’s said to be free of any unwanted side effects while being easy to take.
The creators say it’s one of the most clinically studied CLA ingredients. CLA is a form of safflower oil that is a vegetarian fatty acid. 18 different clinical studies have been performed on Tonalin CLA. It’s said to have 4 benefits, reduced fat cells, less fat storage over time, increased fat loss, and faster fat burning. This comprehensive review will go over the kinds of effects, whether or not it can promote weight loss, and special considerations. The top 10 ranked diet pill supplements are made available when you click this link.
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Tonalin CLA Ingredients and Side Effects
Depending on the brand, there can be other inactive and active ingredients added.
Tonalin CLA (Safflower Seed Oil)
Tonalin CLA (Safflower Seed Oil): Patented form of Conjugated Linoleic Acid, a fatty acid used to help promote fat loss. The creators say with diet and exercise it can help preserve lean muscle while targeting body fat. It’s made to not just burn fat, but to keep fat from returning, and to make it easier to lose fat in the future.
As far as its fat loss potential, Examine.com has studied CLA and they concluded:
“human studies on CLA are very unreliable and the overall effects seen with CLA are not overly potent as well as sometimes contradicting”
They mention that studies have both shown no results and weak results. It’s also mentioned:
“CLA too weakly affects PPAR receptors to really induce fat loss in an appreciable amount”
PPAR are a group of receptors in the body that deal with metabolism and the breakdown of fats and other macronutrients. According to their studies, there isn’t much of a noticeable effect with all forms of CLA. The lack of a weight loss benefit has shown in many different clinical studies. Solutions for weight loss are possible via the top 10 ranked diet pills list.
CLA is also found in many foods such as beef and dairy. The average person gets some form of CLA a day, as common foods carry it. It can promote side effects in supplement form such as:
Upset stomach, nausea, and gas.
Diarrhea, fatigue, and digestive issues.
One clinical study on this ingredient was run by the European Journal of Nutrition. They tested it for a total of 6 months and in independent studies that were controlled. They found in their studies:
“does not convincingly show that CLA intake generates any clinically relevant effect on body composition on the long term”
With habitual use and over a long period it did not show any potent weight loss benefits which were worth its use.
Safflower oil has chemicals in it that widens blood pressure, stimulate the heart, and lowers blood pressure. It is high in polyunsaturated fats while having some monounsaturated fats. Safflower oils are used to cook with, and they’re often used to paint with. It’s a cheap ingredient to produce.
Another study into CLA was performed by the Hospital Universitario de La Princesa, they found that:
“Experiments in humans have not been able to show a significant effect on body weight, body composition or weight gain related to either of the CLA isomers”
Therefore, multiple studies into this ingredient have not shown it to be ineffective. The only clinical studies which did show weight loss were funded by the manufacturer, which may be potentially biased.
The results of these findings showed results such as:
“CLA produces a modest loss of body fat”
“may help sustain initial reduction in BFM (Body Fat Mass)”
Theconsensus online from trusted clinical review and health sites is that it’s unlikely that CLA will produce any noticeable changes in weight. Trusted studies that have been performed for long periods have also failed to see any noticeable changes in body weight.
CLA is also already found in many different foods such as dairy, beef, eggs, poultry, and other foods. The average human diet gets just under 200 mg of CLA per day. The company advises to take around 3 grams of CLA daily, though it’s unknown if this amount is truly needed. There are no other suggestions for this serving size on other websites. Our expert reviewed list has the top 10 ranked diet pills available when you click here.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven fat burner such as Sletrokor for better results.
Tonalin CLA Quality of Ingredients
Diet pill companies will add Tonalin CLA in different amounts, and sometimes with different added ingredients. This ingredient on its own is already found in many foods, and legitimate studies have shown it’s not a very effective weight loss ingredient.
It can produce side effects in larger amounts, but no added weight loss benefits have been seen. Since it can be replaced with natural foods, there doesn’t seem to be any real use to this ingredient. Studies on its weight loss potentially have not been very supportive.
It can also be substituted by eating whole foods instead. There’s no standard limit needed for CLA supplementation either. Therefore, at the recommend minimum of 1.7 grams set forth by the manufactures, it’s unknown if this is truly necessary.
Studies that have been performed on large amounts of this additive have shown that it still does not create any noticeable changes in weight.
The top 10 list of diet pill supplements is made available when you click on this link.
The Price and Quality of Tonalin CLA
Prices range depending on which diet pill supplement is purchased. On Amazon.com the top Tonalin CLA brands sell between $13 to $20, depending on the serving size and manufacturer. There’s no guarantee of a money back return policy by all brands.
Each diet pill is allowed to add as much Tonalin CLA as they want, and with any other additives. Since studies into the ingredient have shown only minimal fat loss if at all, it’s not a very good ingredient. It can be replaced by eating whole foods instead. Due to the lack of proven weight loss benefits it makes Tonalin CLA an overpriced ingredient. A top 10 list of diet pill supplements is featured in the link here.
Business of Tonalin CLA
The manufactures of Tonalin CLA are the BASF Personal Care and Nutrition GmbH. They can be reached via the following:
Phone Number: (800) 880-5768
Address: 100 Park Avenue
Florham Park, New Jersey 07932
Email: personal-care-na@basf.com
They are a company based in Germany that creates different ingredients and products. Very little information about their practices exists. They do not handle any returns, and whether or not one can get a return depends on the brand used that contains Tonalin CLA.
They are part of a bigger company called BASF which helped create chemicals. They have been fined for emissions and spilling chemical waste into once clean waters.
The company once also created a poison gas used in extermination camps.
EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using weight loss pills for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.
Customer Opinions of Tonalin CLA
Here are some reviews found online of different users of Tonalin CLA diet pills:
“I got several large acne cysts on my chin… Turns out I’m not the only one who has had hormonal issues after taking CLA”
“Used this for 2 months but I really didn’t notice anything weight loss wise”
“This productdoesn’t work, hasn’t worked for me”
“I tried it and after 2 bottles, I saw NO results. Not worth the money, it’s a complete waste”
Both a lack of weight loss and side effects were reoccurring issues with customers. It gave some stomach cramps, acne, loose stools, and digestive issues.
Even those who made sure to add exercise and diet also failed to see any results. People mentioned they made sure to follow the recommended dosage strength, and they even finished bottles only to fail to see any results. In the comprehensive list found here there are the top 10 ranked diet pills.
Conclusion – Does Tonalin CLA Work?
When looking at Tonalin CLA it’s important to look at unbiased clinical studies, customer reviews on diet pills containing this ingredient, and what’s truly possible for weight loss. Health sites mention that studies into CLA have shown weak fat loss, and not enough to truly show promising results. Many customers that have used diet pills containing this ingredient also agree it fails to produce weight loss. This ingredient is also already part of people’s diets, as it’s found in many common foods. Unbiased clinical studies have confirmed this ingredient is too weak to rely on.
An alternative is offered via the 2016 diet pill supplement of the year called Sletrokor. This natural plant based extract is made up of clinically studied ingredients which have been shown to help suppress appetite, improve mood, enhance metabolism, and provide many other benefits. There are no added stimulants, binders, fillers, preservatives, or artificial colors to Sletrokor. It’s made only with natural ingredients. Users have left testimonials on their official website showing how they’ve lost significant amounts of weight.
Sletrokor is backed by a full 30 day money back guarantee. Returns are offered with no questions asked and for any reason. To learn more about Sletrokor, click the link provided here.
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