Cell-U-Loss Review: Does it Work?

What is it?

Cell-U-Loss is a diet pill brand made to help get rid of water weight. It’s said to have minerals that can keep electrolytes balanced, while promoting health pH levels.

Not much else is offered in terms of intended benefits. Water weight is known to cause not just a feeling of bloating, but also a bigger stomach. There are minerals added as well as natural ingredients which are often used to help provide diuretic effects. This review will go over the quality of ingredients, possible effects, and whether or not it can promote weight loss. The top 10 ranked diet pill supplements are featured in the link provided here.

Do You Know the Best Weight Loss Pills of 2016?

Cell-U-Loss Ingredients and Side Effects

Sodium Chloride
Potassium Chloride
Calcium Carbonate
Magnesium Oxide

Corn Silk Extract
Parsley Herb Extract
Dandelion Leaf Extract
Asparagus Root Extract

Microcrystalline Cellulose
Apple Cider Vinegar Powder
Croscarmellose Sodium

Stearic Acid
Silicon Dioxide
Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose

Sodium Chloride:Most commonly known as table salt. It’s a common flavoring that’s also used as a way to provide both sodium and chlorine. High amounts can lead to cardiovasculardamage.

It is found in many foods, and in high amounts can lead to bloating, diabetes, and other side effects. A comprehensive list of the top 10 diet pills is available when you click here.

Potassium Chloride:Chemical which can be extracted from salt. It is often used as a fertilizer and as a way to provide potassium in the body. It is often found in fruits and vegetables in sufficient amounts.

Calcium Carbonate:Chemical extract found in things like rocks. It is used to provide calcium in people who are deficient.  It can potentially lead to side effects that include:

Upset stomach, burping, and gas.

Nausea, muscle pain, and mood changes.

Confusion, weakness, and fatigue.

Increased urination and thirst, bone pain, and mental change.

If kidney issues are experienced, it’s advised to immediately seek the support of a physician.

Magnesium Oxide:A magnesium source extracted from lime. It is used to make cement and to provide laxative and stomach acid reducing effects. Possible side effects can include:

Diarrhea, upset stomach, and allergic reactions.

Dizziness, difficulty breathing, and rash.

Corn Silk Extract:The strands at the top of an ear of corn. It has carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein. It’s often used as a diuretic and an anti-inflammatory.

It can potentially lead to side effects such as:

Rash, difficulty breathing, and itching.

Low potassium in the blood.

Parsley Herb Extract:Flavoring herb often added to foods as a garnish. It has trace minerals and is used to stimulate appetite, increase urine and menstrual flow, and reduce the risk for spasms.

Web MD states:

“Consuming very large amounts of parsley is LIKELY UNSAFE”

It can potentially lead to anemia and kidney or liver problems. In the amounts found in foods it’s considered safe, but in supplement form it’s possible for it opt contribute to unwanted symptoms.

Dandelion Leaf Extract:Flowering plant used as a diuretic and as a way to help treat infections and bile problems. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health adds:

“there have been some case reports of upset stomach and diarrhea, and some people are allergic”

They also question its use:

“There is no compelling scientific evidence for using dandelion as a treatment for any medical condition”

The lack of evidence makes it impossible to determine what kind of an effect it may have. Cell-U-Loss also fails to provide any evidence to support the use of this additive.

Asparagus Root Extract: This vegetable has been used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine as a diuretic. Drugs.com adds:

“has been used as a treatment for variousillnesses and as a diuretic, despite the lack of clinical evidence”

It’s also unknown exactly what aproper dosage strength is, as there’s a lack of clinical studies.  It can potentially lead to side effects such as:

Allergic reactions, asthma, and rashes.


Web MD also adds:

“There is not enough information available to know if (asparagus root) is safe”

A comprehensive top 10 list of the best diet pills has been compiled by our experts here.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven fat burner such as Sletrokor for better results.

Cell-U-Loss Quality of Ingredients

The 4 added minerals are already found in common foods, and they’re added in such small amounts that it’s difficult to determine what kind of an effect they may have.

There’s also parsley herb, corn silk, dandelion leaf, and asparagus added, none of which have shown the possibility for potent effects. These additives also don’t have any fat loss effect, they’re intended to help get rid of water weight solely.

Reducing water weight can help promote a less bloated look, but any weight loss is strictly water and not fat. It’s also not known if this effect is even possible with the amounts added. The company fails to offer much information about the effects, and no testimonials, clinical studies, or support is offered to help show why these ingredients would be effective.

There’s also the possibility for side effects for each of the diuretic ingredients. The top 10 diet pills are ranked in a comprehensive list featured here.

The Price and Quality of Cell-U-Loss

A 30 day bottle is offered, but no sales are offered directly from the official website. Since the company runs a multilevel marketing company, all sales have to be made via one of their representatives.

Their Amazon.com page sells Cell-U-Loss for $21. Many people who work for the company have complained that sales via this way is not allowed by the makers, and that it won’t be guaranteed fresh.

4 of the minerals are commonly found in many foods, and the diuretic ingredients are cheap and potentially side effect causing.

Dandelion root, asparagus root, and corn silk haven’t been proven to be effective in enough studies. There’s a complete lack of evidence that these ingredients would be both safe and effective. A major issue also exists since Cell-U-Loss has no fat loss effects, it’s only intended to help get rid of water weight. It does not suppress appetite, aid metabolism, or help burn fat.

A list of the top 10 diet pills are featured when you click the link provided here.

Business of Cell-U-Loss

The manufacturers are known as Herbalife International. They can be contacted via the following:

Phone Number: (866)617-4273

Address: 800 W Olympic Blvd Suite 406

Los Angeles, California 90015

They currently have a C rating on their Better Business Bureau headquarters page.

On July 2016, the company paid $200 million to settle a legal issue with the Federal Trade Commission. It forced the company to change all its business practices.

The Fraud Discovery Institute also tested Herbalife products and found them to have elevated levels of lead. This lead to lawsuits and in particular a case where a woman who had liver related issues claimed it was because she took a Herbalife product.

A total of 28 people have complained on their Better Business Bureau site due to issues with customer service, and the company’s products. Here’s what a few people had to say:

“Was not allowed to return incorrect unused product immediately after receiving”

“Ordered items were not delivered on specific date. The were not delivered at all”

“Herbalife product caused health issues”

“Herbalife International has failed to honor my previousrequests for withdrawal”

It was common for people to have issues due to a lack of a return, and unhelpful customer service people. Users also had issues with either never receiving their products, or getting things shipped late and the company failing to respond to their concerns.

EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using weight loss pills for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.

Customer Opinions of Cell-U-Loss

Here are some customer reviews found online:

“These do absolutely nothing for me”

“It did nothing for me and hated the bloated feeling”

“No changes and I believe this has caused me to break out”

“Dizziness, numb feet, my knees also get numb. I have never felt this way before”

A total of 111 people have left negative reviews on their Amazon.com page.  The common complaint was that there were no weight loss benefits, and some also experienced side effects. The kinds of issues people experienced included acne, oily skin, headaches, and numbness.A comprehensive top 10 list of the highest ranked diet pills is available here.

Conclusion – Does Cell-U-Loss Work?

Cell-U-Loss is said to be good for balancing pH and for getting rid of water weight. The additives include common minerals already found in many foods, and the diuretic additives have either not been proven to work, or they provide no real fat loss benefits. Diuretics are meant more for reducing water weight but not actually triggering fat loss. Customers often complain not just of a lack of benefits, but also of side effects.

The 2016 diet pill of the year is known as Sletrokor. It’s an all-natural plant based diet pull that’s used to help improve digestion, increase metabolism, burn fat, suppress appetite, enhance mood, and provide many other benefits. It’s made without any fillers, stimulants, binders, or unhealthy additives. Customers have left testimonials on the official Sletrokor website showcasing how they’ve lost significant amounts of weight.

Sletrokor is backed by a full 30 day money back guarantee. All returns are offered with no questions asked for any reason. To learn more about Sletrokor, click the link provided.


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