Ab Cuts Review: Does it Work?

What is it?

Ab Cuts is a weight loss brand made with oils to help reduce body fat, increase metabolism, and provide antioxidant support. It’s made without the use of stimulants, and is said to not have the risk for headaches or jitters.

It’s touted as being offered in an easy to swallow capsule, that’s made with liquid gel technology. It’s meant to be combined alongside a healthy diet and exercise plan, with 2 capsules required twice a day. There is fish added to this product as well, so they do give a warning to be careful if one has any allergies. In this Ab Cuts review you’ll learn about what customers have to say, whether or not it’s safe, and what you can expect in terms of weight loss.

Do You Know the Best Weight Loss Pills of 2016?

Ab Cuts Ingredients and Side Effects 

Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol)
Safflower Oil (80% CLA)
Omega 3 Fish Oil
Borage Oil

Flax Seed Oil
Sesame Seed Oil

Purified Water

Safflower Oil (80% CLA): This flowering plant is used to help lower cholesterol and to reduce the risk of heart related diseases. It’s chemicals also help stimulate the heart and widen blood vessels.

It’s often used as cooking oil in dishes.

The key active ingredient provided by this is CLA, or conjugated linoleic acid. It’s used to help reduce fat. Though Examine.com mentions that in regards to these claimed weight loss effects:

“CLA too weekly affect PPAR receptops to really incude fat loss in an appreciable amount” 

They also add:

“human studies on CLA are very unreliable and the overall effects seen with CLA are not overly potent as well as sometimes contradicting” 

The standard diet also gets a sufficient amount of this, since it’s found in dairy and beef products in high amounts. 

Omega 3 Fish Oil: This general health supplement is used to help provide EPA and DHA, omega 3 fatty acids which help lower inflammation and improve brain health.

It’s not needed in people who eat fish, or in those who get enough omega 3’s from certain foods.

Though this ingredient can help with lowering cholesterol, taking too much of it can also raise cholesterol. High amounts of it can also be harmful the immune system. Possible side effects from this include:

Fish burps, indigestion, and bloating. 
Rash, heartburn, and loose stools. 
Nausea, frequent stools and nosebleeds.

There’s also a concern with heavy metal contaminations. Fish oil neess to be specially processed in order to avoid any contaminations with mercury, lead, and other potentially damaging additives that are found in contaminated waters.

It’s unknown how well Ab Cuts processed their own fish oil. The concern is that this can be seriously damaging to health, and Web MD adds:

“Consuming large amounts of fish oil from some DIETARY products is POSSIBLY UNSAFE” 

“can be contaminated with mercury and other industrial and environmental chemicals” 

Therefore, it’s very important to watch out for intake of this ingredient. These kinds of ingredients may cause:

Mental retardation, brain damage, and growth defects. 
Blindness, seizures, and toxic buildup. 

Research needs to be revealed on whether or not the manufacturers of Ab Cuts have actually tested this ingredient for heavy metals. 

Borage Oil: This plant extract contains GLA, a fatty acid used to help lower inflammation, and to provide an antioxidant effect.

This ingredient has to be specially extracted, due to its chemicals which may cause issues. Web MD confirms:

“Borage seed oil is LIKELY UNSAFE when products containing dangerous chemicals called (PAs) are taken by mouth” 

The possible side effects from these chemicals are serious, and Web MD adds how it may:

“damage the liver or cause cancer, especially when used in high doses for a long time” 

Possible side effects seen from the GLA found in borage oil include:

Increased risk for seizure. 
Liver damage. 
Premature labor. 
Increased risk for bleeding and bruises. 
Loose stools, diarrhea, and flatulence. 

Flax Seed Oil: The processed seeds of this plant are high in alpha-linoleic acid. It’s used to help decrease inflammation.

Plant based alpha-linoleic acid is not always processed the same in all people. For certain body types, it’s poorly absorbed and loses any of its potential inflammation lowering effects.

This ingredient may also lead to side effects that include:

Loose stools, flatulence, and diarrhea. 
Allergic reactions, rash, and difficulty breathing. 
Laxative like side effects. 

Its potential benefits have also been disputed by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. 

Sesame Seed Oil: This crop is found in parts of South American and Asia; it’s often used to cook with.

It’s said to control blood sugar, as well as provide an anti-inflammatory effect.  Intake of this has to be carefully monitored, as high amounts can cause weight gain due to the high amount of calories.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven fat burner such as Sletrokor for better results.


Ab Cuts Quality of Ingredients 

The problem with this formula is that many of its ingredients have not been proven to have any signfiacnt weight loss effects. They can also be replaced with more wholesome alternatives.

For brands made with clinically researched weight loss ingredients, you can click here.

Many of these ingredients have no known weight loss effect. Many of the intended benefits are meant for reducing inflammation, and to help with reducing cholesterol.

Still, these additives are also all oil based, so it’s possible for it to support weight gain. Fatty oils like these are often added for cooking but only in small amounts.

Taking repeat amounts of these oils has a different effect per person. Not everyone processed these ingredients the same, and in some people oils actually increase cholesterol, triglycerides, and other unwanted issues.

The Price and Quality of Ab Cuts 

Sales can be made directly from the manufacturers.  An 80 capsule bottle sells for $26.99. At the recommended 4 capsules a day, each bottle lasting 20 days can be broken down at a daily cost of $1.34. 

Though it has all natural ingredients, many of these additives can be replaced with cheaper alternatives. Ingredients like vitamin E, safflower oil, sesame oil, and flax seed are available in whole foods for a reduced price.

The only ingredients which are unique include Omega 3 Fish oil, which can also be found in all types of seafood. It’s not been shown to be a very potent ingredient for weight loss. This is likely why so many users of Ab Cuts have given it negative reviews, as you’ll see in the “Customer Opinions of Ab Cuts” section.

There are better options for weight loss available that come from unique plant extracts not already seen in foods. Discover which brands offer better results by clicking here. 

Business of Ab Cuts 

The creators of Ab Cuts are Corr-Jensen Labs; they can be reached via the following customer service contact details:  

Phone Number: (303) 468-4215 

Address: 221 S Cherokee Street

Denver, Colorado 80223 

Email: info@abcuts.com

The company does allow for a 90 day return for Ab Cuts when purchased via their official website. However, this is subject to their approval, which they can deny for any reason.

Not much information is available about the company. It’s unknown if they truly honor their money back return.

EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using weight loss pills for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.

Customer Opinions of Ab Cuts 

Here are some customer reviews featured on their Amazon.com page:

“I kept getting the worst kind of ulcers with these. Cannot even throw up” 

“we have noticed no appreciable results in the stomach area after consuming four bottles” 

“No help with appetite control or nothing. Very disappointed” 

“It made me gain weight. My stomach is bigger than its ever been” 

Currently 79 different people reviewed this brand unfavorably. Many were disappointed to experience no weight loss benefits.

Certain people actually gained weight, even by adding diet and exercise.

There were issues with side effects which inldued bloating, heartburn, nausea, stomach problems, digestive issues, and other symptoms.

Conclusion – Does Ab Cuts Work? 

Before you make a decision on whether or not to buy Ab Cuts, it’s important to look beyond the marketing claims. This brand does have natural ingredients, but many of these additives have failed to show any significant weight loss effects. That’s the reason why so many customers have failed to see any results. Instead, there have been claims of side effects by customers. This brand is lacking in any truly potent ingredients for weight loss; these ingredients are meant more to reduce inflammation.

The better solution is avialble via the 2016 supplement of the year called Sletrokor. You can learn more about this brand by clicking here.

This all natural supplement has helped many people lose weight with its wholesome plant extracts. The benefits that custoemers have enjoyed include suppressed appetite, improved mood, stabilized blood sugar, increased metabolism ,and many other benefits. This brand is free of filler ingredients, and you can read great testimonials about its effects on their website.

Sletrokor is even backed by a full 30 day money back guarantee. If for any reason you aren’t impressed, returns are offered with no questions asked. To find out what makes this brand so effective, click here.


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